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Enabling Mirror/SPAN Traffic Monitoring


Before enabling Mirror/SPAN port monitoring, you must configure a switch port to mirror traffic to an unused port cabled to the Exinda appliance.

This article explains how you can enable the SPAN/Mirror port on an interface to monitor the type of traffic.


Enabling the SPAN/Mirror Port

  1. On your browser, open the Exinda Web UI (https://<Exinda_IP_address>).
  2. Key in the Username and Password.
  3. Click Login.
  4. Click Configuration > System > Network > IP Address.
  5. To use an interface as a Mirror port, select the Mirror checkbox.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

    • The selected interface now accepts Mirror/SPAN traffic.


Command to Enable or Disable Mirror/SPAN Port Monitoring

The following commands can be executed from the CLI to enable or disable Mirror/SPAN port monitoring on an interface:

> en

# con t

(config) # mirror interface <inf>

(config) # no mirror interface <inf>


Once SPAN/Mirror monitoring is enabled, and the appropriate Internal Network Objects have been defined, the Exinda appliance monitors the traffic received on the Mirror/SPAN receiving port as if it were inline.

NOTE: Exinda interface reports will be blank because the Exinda appliance has no insight into packet direction at the interface level.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
