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System Disk Full /Var/Data/Monitor


Dashboard System Health shows the following warning:

System Disk Full /var/data/monitor

This warning indicates that there is a lot of data under /var/data/monitor and it does not have enough disk space left to store that data. This article provides a resolution for this error.

Root Cause

This happens when the device originally was on some Version 6 firmware and user upgrades to Version 7 and above. Version 7 of Exinda's firmware has enhanced reporting and monitoring. Hence, it uses more disk space to store data.


The resolution to this error is to increase disk space for the monitoring partition under System > Setup > Storage. Generally, disk space can be borrowed from Virt, Edge Cache or CIFS, if any of those are not being used currently.

Follow the steps given below to allocate disk space to monitor partition:

  1. Reduce the value of total disk space on the partition where disk space is being borrowed from and click on "Resize".
  2. Wait for the operation to complete
  3. Increase the value of the total disk on monitor partition by the amount of space taken from step 1. Click on Resize.
  4. Complete the operation.

Please note that if any of the disks where you are borrowing or giving disk space to is encrypted, decrypt the disk prior to making any changes. Also, if the monitor partition was accidentally 'formatted', this can cause issues with the web UI, as the database will no longer be online and the web UI process will lose connection to it. This will result in, at very least, the web UI reporting that the session is no longer valid.

Please refer to the KB article 'System Disk Full' Warning to read more on this topic.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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