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Disabling IPv6 on an Exinda Appliance


IPv6 is becoming more commonplace protocol on the internet for using traffic; more websites are supporting the usage of IPv6 addressing for access. Exinda Appliances also support IPv6 for addressing on its ports so that users can implement IPv6 in their environment and the Exinda will still be usable.

This article describes the usage of IPv6 and the impact of turning it off on an Exinda Appliance.


Usage of IPv6 on Exinda Appliance

When addressing a Management or a Cluster Interface, an IP address is needed to access the ports. Most people put IPv4 addresses on it to support their current infrastructure, but Exinda allows for IPv6 addresses to be used on these interfaces as well. Bridges and the ethernet ports belonging to the bridges do NOT need IP addresses of any kind. The job of a bridge is to accept traffic, classify and optimize it, and as a result, it does not need an explicit IP Address.

Impact of turning-off IPv6 on Exinda Appliance

Turning off IPv6 functionality on the Exinda Appliance will NOT affect any IPv6 traffic flowing through the Appliance; it will still be allowed (or denied) based on any applicable policies. Turning IPv6 functionality off on the Exinda will only disallow the usage of IPv6 addresses on individual interfaces, such as the Management port or a Cluster Management port.

Instructions to turn-off IPv6 on an Exinda Appliance:
  • To disable IPv6 on an Exinda Appliance, enter the following commands at the Command Line Interface(CLI):
    1. en
    2. config t
    3. no ipv6 enable

  • To disable IPv6 on a port-to-port basis, enter the command no interface [interface identifier] ipv6 enable at the Command Line Interface(CLI).


Additional Information

For more information, open a case with Exinda support.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
