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Description of Fields in a CSV Report


Users can generate CSV reports on the Exinda which downloads the flow table in an excel sheet database format. Below is the description of the fields in a CSV report.


Field Type Description
id unsigned 32-bit integer A unique id that defines this record. This is the primary key.
in_ip binary (128 bit) A 16 byte (128 bit) representation of the internal IPv6 address (the IP address on the LAN side of the Exinda appliance) of the flow. IPv4 addresses are represented as IPv4 mapped format.
ex_ip binary (128 bit) A 16 byte (128 bit) representation of the external IPv6 address (the IP address on the WAN side of the Exinda appliance) of the flow. IPv4 addresses are represented as IPv4 mapped format.
in_port unsigned 24-bit integer The TCP or UDP port number on the internal side (the LAN side of the Exinda appliance) of the flow.
ex_port unsigned 24-bit integer The TCP or UDP port number on the external side (the WAN side of the Exinda appliance) of the flow.
protocol unsigned 24-bit integer The IANA assigned IP protocol number of the flow. See Protocol Numbers for more information.
app_id unsigned 24-bit integer The internal Exinda Application ID assigned to this flow. This represents Exinda's classification of the flow - 0 means unclassified.
packets_ in unsigned 64-bit integer The number of inbound (WAN -> LAN) packets recorded for this flow over the sample period.
bytes_in unsigned 64-bit integer The number of inbound (WAN -> LAN) bytes recorded for this flow over the sample period.
packets_ out unsigned 64-bit integer The number of outbound (LAN -> WAN) packets recorded for this flow over the sample period.
bytes_out unsigned 64-bit integer The number of outbound (LAN -> WAN) bytes recorded for this flow over the sample period.
max_tput_ in unsigned 64-bit integer The maximum inbound (WAN -> LAN) throughput observed for this flow during the sample period.
max_tput_ out unsigned 64-bit integer The maximum outbound (LAN -> WAN) throughput observed for this flow during the sample period.
intervals_ in unsigned 24-bit integer The number of 10-second intervals there was inbound (WAN -> LAN) traffic observed for this flow during the sample period (bps).
intervals_ out unsigned 24-bit integer The number of 10-second intervals there was outbound (LAN -> WAN) traffic observed for this flow during the sample period (bps).
timestamp unsigned 32-bit integer A UNIX timestamp (number of seconds since epoch - 1st Jan 1970) that represents the start of the sample period.
in_ username string A string representation of the username that was assigned to the internal IP of this flow when it was created (if available).
ex_ username string A string representation of the username that was assigned to the external IP of this flow when it was created (if available).
rtt unsigned 32-bit integer Round Trip Time in milliseconds. A measure if the time a packet takes to leave a device, cross a network and return.
network_ delay unsigned 32-bit integer A normalized measure of the time taken for transaction data to traverse the network.
network_ jitter unsigned 32-bit integer A normalized measure of the network_delay variability.
server_ delay unsigned 32-bit integer A normalized measure of the time taken for a server to respond to a transaction request.
bytes_ lost_in unsigned 64-bit integer The number of bytes lost due to retransmissions (WAN -> LAN).
bytes_ lost_out unsigned 64-bit integer The number of bytes lost due to retransmissions (LAN -> WAN).
aps unsigned 64-bit integer Application Performance Score. A measure of an application's performance on the network.

The same information can also be found in Exinda How To Guide: SQL Access (look for flows Table, page 17).


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