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Stopping and Restarting Optimizer with 'Monitor' Level Role


In the Exinda firmware, different users have different privilege levels. A 'monitor' privilege level allows for a user to look at monitoring and reporting, but only have read-only access to the rest of the device. They cannot change any configuration, including system behavior and the optimizer configuration. However, it has transpired that a 'monitor' level user can stop and restart the optimizer in ExOS version v7.0.3 (all versions), v7.4.0 and v7.4.1. This article provides information about this issue, its potential impact on network performance and the solution to it.


A user with the privilege level of the monitor can stop and restart the optimizer on v7.0.3, v7.4.0, and v7.4.1 of the Exinda firmware. 

While this is not necessarily performance impacting, if a monitor user accidentally turns off the optimizer, network performance could suffer slightly as everything going into the Exinda will no longer be optimized.

ExOS version 7.4.3 has fixed this bug, so that monitor users cannot stop and start the optimizer. Upgrading the firmware to v7.4.3 will solve this issue.

Additional Information

If still experiencing this problem after upgrading the firmware, please contact Exinda TAC (Technical Assistance Center).


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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