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Exinda CLI: NTP



You can use the ntp command to configure an NTP server to set the time on the appliance. To learn about NTP best practices, see Date and Time Configuration. If you want to manually set the date and time, use the time command.

This article provides information regarding the Exinda CLI command ntp




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to ntp:


Action Description Command

Parameter Description

To configure an NTP server

ntp server <hostname or IPv4 address> [version <ntp-version>]

NA (Not Applicable) 
To configure an NTP peer node ntp peer <hostname or IPv4 address> [version <ntp-version>]

peer <hostname or IPv4 address> - Specify an NTP peer. NTP peers will negotiate to synchronize their times. Neither is the master.

To enable or disable NTP time synchronization

ntp {enable|disable} NA (Not Applicable) 


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