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Exinda CLI: Adaptive Response



This article provides information regarding the Exinda CLI command adaptive which is used for configuring and viewing the adaptive response settings.

You can use the adaptive command to specify rules based on data transfer which dynamically populate Network Objects. These Dynamic Network Objects may then be used when configuring Optimizer Policies.

This functionality allows the system administrator to create policies which automatically restrict a user’s bandwidth once a set transfer limit has been exceeded within a specified period of time. Users are identified by IP address.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'.
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets.
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to Adaptive Response settings:


Action Description

Command Parameter Description
To reset Adaptive Response network objects and clear all IPs from destination network objects adaptive clear  NA (Not Applicable)
To specify the frequency in which the adaptive response evaluates the rules adaptive update-time <seconds> update-time <seconds> - The duration in seconds between rule evaluation processing. By default, Adaptive Response evaluates rules every 5 minutes and adds or deletes IP addresses to dynamic network objects according to the defined rules.
To show the adaptive response service status show service adaptive  NA (Not Applicable)
To specify the transfer limit for the adaptive response rules adaptive limit <name> {alert|amount|direction|duration|enable|except|network-object|time-allotment}
  • <name> - The name of the adaptive response rule.
  • alert <percent> - Configure an alert to be sent when the transferred traffic is a particular percentage of the defined limit.
  • amount <quota> - Specify the quota (limit) amount in MB.
  • time-allotment <minutes> - Specify the quota (limit) amount in minutes.
  • direction {both|inbound|outbound} - Specify the direction used when calculating the quota.
  • duration {daily|weekly|monthly} - Specify the period for the quota calculation. After the duration, the quota resets.
  • enable - Enable this named adaptive response object.
  • except network-object {internal|external} <network object name> - Specify a network object (a logical definition created and stored in the Exinda library, can represent any network component) to be excluded from the adaptive response limit calculation. The network is specified as either internal or external. The network object is specified by name.
  • network-object source <src> destination <dst> - Specify a source network object to use as a list of users for whom to apply to quota. This can be a static network object (such as a subnet) or dynamic network object (network objects automatically updated and maintained by the Exinda appliance such as an Active Directory group). Specify a name for the dynamic network object that will be created, which will hold the list of users that have exceeded their quota.



Consider a situation where you have to monitor traffic in the Shoppers network object. Once they have used 40 MB or 2 hours, whichever is first, then they are moved to the Shoppers-Over-Quota network object. Consider this a daily limit. That is, they can come back tomorrow and use the network again.

adaptive limit shopper-wifi-access amount 40
adaptive limit shopper-wifi-access time-allotment 120
adaptive limit shopper-wifi-access duration daily
adaptive limit shopper-wifi-access network-object source Shoppers destination Shoppers-Over-Quota
adaptive limit shopper-wifi-access direction both
adaptive limit shopper-wifi-access enable


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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