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GFI MailEssentials Spam Actions


The Actions tab in the properties of the Anti-Spam filters defines what should be done with emails marked as spam. Different actions can be defined for each of the spam filters.

For example, delete emails detected by SpamRazer filter, but do not delete emails marked as spam by the Email Blocklist filter.



In the Actions tab, select an option that defines which action to take on emails marked as spam.


The following are the actions and a brief description

Action Description
Quarantine Email Emails detected as spam are stored in the Quarantine Store. Other spam actions are disabled if the email is quarantined. For more information, refer to the GFI MailEssentials Quarantine Feature article.
Delete Email Delete an email blocked by that particular spam filter. Other spam actions are disabled if the email is deleted.
Deliver email to mailbox - In Inbox

Routes spam to user's inbox

Deliver email to mailbox - In Exchange junk email folder

Routes spam to users' Junk email folder. This option only works when GFI MailEssentials is installed on Microsoft Exchange. It is not available for the New Senders filter.

If GFI MailEssentials is not installed on the Microsoft® Exchange Server, refer to Moving spam to user’s mailbox folders.

Deliver email to mailbox - In Exchange mailbox sub-folder

Route all spam to a specific folder in the user’s mailbox. Type the folder where to move spam email.

  • Example 1: Type Suspected Spam for a custom folder to be created in the same level of the Inbox folder.
  • Example 2: Type Inbox\Suspected Spam for a custom folder to be created in the Inbox folder.

This option requires that GFI MailEssentials is installed on the Microsoft® Exchange Server machine.

In Microsoft® Exchange 2010 onwards, the Mailbox Server Role is required.

For Microsoft® Exchange 2010 or newer versions, a dedicated user is also required to enable this option. For more information, refer to Setting a Microsoft® Exchange account.

If GFI MailEssentials is not installed on the Microsoft® Exchange Server, refer to Moving spam email to user’s mailbox folders.

Send to email address

Send email identified as spam to a specific email address.

For example, forward all spam to an email address checked by someone who checks email that might have been wrongly marked as spam.

The subject of the email will be in the format: [recipient] [subject]

Move to folder on disk

Saves email detected as spam to the path specified,

For example, C:\Spam\

File names of saved emails are in the following format:


For example, C:\Spam\jim@ad.com_bob@ad.com_Offers_1_.eml

Tag the email with specific text

Select this option to add a tag to the email subject. Key in the text to use for tagging and specify where to place the tag:

  • Prepend to subject - insert the specified tag at the start (i.e. as a prefix) of the email subject text.

For example, [SPAM]Free Web Mail

  • Append to subject - insert the specified tag at the end (i.e. as a suffix) of the email subject text.

For example, Free Web Mail[SPAM]

  • Add tag in an X-header… - Add the specified tag as a new X-header to the email. In this case, the X-Header will have the following format :

For example,

  • X-GFIME-SPAM: [This is SPAM]
  • X-GFIME-SPAM-REASON: [IP DNS Blocklist Check failed - Sent from Blocklisted Domain]

NOTE: Rules manager can be used to move emails when this feature is used.

Append block reason to email subject If this option is enabled, the name of the filter which blocked the email and the reason for blocking is appended to the subject of the blocked email.
Log rule occurrence to this file

Log the spam email occurrence to a log file of your choice. By default, log files are stored in:


NOTE: Log files may become very large. GFI MailEssentials enables log rotation, where new log files are created periodically or when the log file reaches a specific size. To enable log file rotation, navigate to Anti-Spam > Anti-Spam Settings. Select the Anti-spam logging tab and check Enable log file rotation. Specify the rotation condition by time or file size.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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