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GFI MailEssentials 20 SR1 Release Notes (build 20160420)





MailEssentials 20 SR1, build 20160420

Fixes for issues in previous release:

  • Installation will now be executed with the correct elevated permissions when required
  • Emails approved from the quarantine were not having their received lines cleaned correctly causing the emails to be incorrectly routed
  • When using a EmailSecurity only license, a number of AV engines might not be correctly licensed
  • When installing GFI MailEssentials on a non-English OS, the released patches may fail to install
  • The Anti-Spam SPF check was failing when a DNS TXT record larger than 255 bytes was encountered
  • When using a remote Active Directory setup, modules which require binding with the Active Directory might not function correctly
  • The Domain Controller used for the remote Active Directory setup will be used as the sole DC to which the binding will always be performed. 
  • When using the Auto-replies feature, the line breaks used in the auto-reply text might not be persisted in the returned email
  • When using the GFI MailEssentials multi-site feature, the control lists (example: Whitelist and Blocklist) may not synchronise correctly 
  • The Decompression Engine was detecting certain APK files as corrupted. 
  • Under certain conditions, inbound emails may be detected as outbound causing spam not to be detected
  • Emails released from quarantine may not be delivered to all recipients
  • During Microsoft Exchange Information Store scanning, an error "Synchronization state data is corrupt or otherwise invalid" may be logged. This will cause the affected mailbox not to be scanned 
  • An email might not be quarantined due to invalid XML characters in its source after parsing 

Installation requirements for GFI MailEssentials 20 SR1:

  • If installing on Microsoft IIS SMTP (x86 \ x64) or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, then Microsoft IIS with SMTP Service installed is required
  • If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010, one of the following combinations of Exchange 2007/2010 Server Roles must be present: Mailbox and Hub Transport or (ii) Hub Transport or (iii) Edge Transport
  • If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Service Pack 1 or later is required
  • If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, Mailbox or Edge role is required
  • If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2016, Mailbox or Edge role is required
  • Microsoft.NET® Framework 4/4.5
  • ASP.NET® 4.0/4.5
  • Internet Information Services (IIS®) World Wide Web service
  • WCF HTTP Activation - required when using SpamTag plugin for Microsoft Outlook
  • MSMQ - Microsoft® Messaging Queuing Service. The installation detects if MSMQ is not installed and offers the option to automatically install it.
  • For more information on how to install pre-requisites for Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2012, refer to:
    Microsoft Windows Server 2008:
    Microsoft Windows Server 2012:

Where to Download:

The latest version of GFI MailEssentials can be downloaded from
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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