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Error: 'HTTP 403' When Trying to Access the GFI MailEssentials User Interface


When trying to access the web-based user interface for GFI MailEssentials, the 'HTTP 403' error is encountered.


  • GFI MailEssentials
  • All supported environments

Root Cause

Any number of installed applications, Microsoft Windows security updates, or customized Internet Information Services (IIS) environments could alter the settings.


The HTTP 403 error is a client-side error. This means that the web browser does not have sufficient privileges to access the requested site. When this is encountered, please check the following:

  • Is the GFI MailEssentials website listed in the Trusted websites of the browser?
  • Are Security Permissions for the IIS site enabled for all the users who need to access the site?
  • Are Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate requirements disabled if the domain is not using them?
  • Do Group Policy Objects allow access to the SSL sites even if a certificate is not present?
  • Does the applicationHost.config file has the accessPolicy flag on either the GFI MailEssentials site or the Default Web Site, with the NoRemoteExecute, NoRemoteRead, and NoRemoteScript parameters enabled in the flag?
    • To allow access, back up the applicationHost.config file. Then remove the No* parameters only within the MailEssentials site's accessPolicy flag. Do not alter the Default Web Site section. It should not be necessary. (Location of the Application Host file is %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config).
  • Does the applicationHost.config file has the <defaultdocument = "true" /> flag present within the system.webserver flag for the GFI MailEssentials site?
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
