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GFI MailEssentials Multi-Server Feature


The Multi-Server is an important new feature in GFI MailEssentials. This feature enables the communication between different GFI MailEssentials servers so that some configuration data can be shared across the servers.

For organizations with multiple email gateways and email servers, email security management can be a tedious task without a unified console. When a GFI MailEssentials multi-server network is set up, this problem is resolved once and for all, and day-to-day configuration tasks can be done using a single console.




For Multiple Servers That Require Anti-spam\email Protection

  • In environments where there are large email volumes, multiple email gateways and mail servers are usually used to process mail flow efficiently. The physical servers may be on the same site or at different locations. In such instances, GFI MailEssentials is also deployed on multiple gateway servers. 
  • Without the Multi-Install feature implemented, every instance of GFI MailEssentials has its own set of settings, a reporting database, and a quarantine store. The configuration of the server, administration of quarantined items and generation of reports need to be done separately on each and every server.



Introducing the Multi-Install Feature

  • With Multi-Install, all GFI MailEssentials installations are joined together. With this setup settings are synchronized between servers and reporting/quarantine databases are centralized.
  • Configuration and management of GFI MailEssentials are done on one server for all GFI MailEssentials installations.


Synchronize the Configuration

  • When certain features are configured on one GFI MailEssentials instance, these settings are automatically implemented on the other servers within the Multi-Install network. This enables the administrator to apply settings only once.



Centralize the Reporting and Quarantine Databases

  • All reporting and quarantine data is transferred to one server within the network. The Reporting & Quarantine Host. The administrator can manage all quarantined items and generate reports from the Reporting & Quarantine Host.



Master and Slave Servers

  • One server within a GFI MailEssentials Multi-Install network must be set as a Master Server. The Master Server coordinates the operations of the Multi-Install network. It ensures that changes applied to any server within the network are automatically implemented on all servers.
  • The other servers that are joined to the Master Server are the Slave servers. Together, these form the Multi-Install network.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
