When an email is whitelisted, it will appear in the MailEssentials Dashboard > Logs tab as 'Whitelisted' or 'Keyword Whitelisted'.
Required Information:
Sample Email Message ID: This can be gathered from the headers of the email or via the Dashboard > Logs > Details tab.
Log files from ..\GFI\MailEssentials\AntiSpam\Debug Logs. The four log files are as follows:
- ase_ipwhitelist.gfi_log
- ase_kwhite.gfi_log
- ase_personalwhitelist.gfi_log
- ase_whitelist.gfi_log
NOTE: You may also need to check the .bak files depending on how old the sample is.
Checking the IP Whitelist
- Open the ase_ipwhitelist.gfi_log file in notepad
- This log is for the IP Whitelist and corresponds to the Configuration > Anti-Spam > Whitelist > IP Whitelist tab in the interface and the ipwhitelist table within the config.mdb
- Search for the Message ID of the sample
- You will get something similar to the example below:
">> Init Message [<>]"
"Context Refreshed: No"
"Licensing check: Licensed"
"<< Message Initialization"
">> Message Processing Block"
"Connecting IP:"
"Checking address []"
"Address [] is not whitelisted"
"Message is not whitelisted ... "
- The bolded lines are the important ones in this log file
- The Connecting IP is the IP address of the sending server
- This IP was not in the whitelist
- If the IP address matches, you will instead seem something similar to this:
"Checking address []"
"Address [] is whitelisted"
"Message is whitelisted ... "
"Setting block report to [IP is in Whitelist]"
Checking the Keyword Whitelist:
- Open the ase_kwhite.gfi_log file in notepad
- This log is for the Keyword Whitelist and messages will appear in the dashboard as 'Keyword Whitelisted'. It corresponds to Configuration > Anti-Spam > Whitelist > Keyword Whitelist in the interface and the kwhitebody and kwhitesubject tables in the config.mdb.
- Search for the Message ID of the sample
- You will get something similar to the below:
"Scanning subject ..."
"Scanning message body (TEXT)"
"Scanning body ..."
"Found 1 words: [access]"
"Setting actions data ..."
"Informing ASE of whitelisting [2]..."
"Whitelisted because of following keywords: 'access'"
"Setting block report to [Found word(s) 'access' in message body]"
- Here the imported lines are again bolded
- The check if the subject yielded no matches
- The check if the body yielded a single match
- The matched word was 'access'
- If a message is not whitelisted by the Keyword Whitelist, the logging ends with the following:
"<< Message Processing Block"
">> Message Uninitialization"
"<< Message Uninitialization"
Checking the Personal Whitelists:
- Open the ase_personalwhitelist.gfi_log file in notepad
- This file contains information on the personal whitelists and is quickly overwritten. It corresponds to the Configuration > Anti-Spam > Whitelist > Personal Whitelist in the interface and the PWLBL.sdf table in the database.
- Perform a search for your message ID
- You will get something similar to ones the below:
"Checking message against Personal Whitelist"
"SMTP Recipient [] does not care"
- The bolded line is the important one. This sender was not on the personal whitelist.
"Checking message against Personal Whitelist"
"SMTP Recipient [] ACCEPTS message"
"Injecting actioning data since some users blocked/accepted the message ..."
"All recipients allowed sender, setting GFI_ASEMSGPROPS_WHITELISTED property with updated details ..."
"SMTP Recipient [] ACCEPTS message"
"Injecting actioning data since some users blocked/accepted the message ..."
"All recipients allowed sender, setting GFI_ASEMSGPROPS_WHITELISTED property with updated details ..."
- Again, the important line is bolded. This sender was on's personal whitelist.
Checking the Autowhitelist and the Email/Domain Whitelist:
- Open the ase_whitelist.gfi_log file
- This log contains the autowhitelist and the whitelist modules and is the most complicated to read. It corresponds to the Configuration > Anti-Spam > Whitelist > Whitelist and AutoWhiteList tabs and the antispam2_whitelist table in the config.mdb and the autowhitelist.mdb.
- Do a search for your sample message ID
- The following log can be broken into two major parts, first the Whitelist then the Autowhitelist:
- Each message can have up to 4 SQL checks run on them such as the one below:
SQL: SELECT TOP 1 id FROM antispam2_whitelist WHERE (type=0 OR type=4) AND entry IN ('')
- Each check will be followed by the following:
...was not found in db ...
Executing Wildcard check [1]...
Wildcards did not whitelist any entries ...
- This means the email address checked '' is not in the Whitelist
- The Wildcard check checks for domains, such as '*' which also did not match
- If any of the 4 SQL Checks match, the email was whitelisted
Note: More then one email address will be checked in the SQL queries, these match the SMTP Sender, MIME Sender, SMTP Recipient, and MIME Recipient.
- If a match is found, instead of ...was not found in db ... you will see the following:
Found match in db ...
Message is Whitelisted...Skipping NDR / Out-Of-Office Check
- This means you need to remove the address that was checked. In this case,
AutoWhiteList check:
- If none of the SQL Queries match, an additional check will be performed on the AutoWhiteList
"Checking [] against Autowhitelist ..."
"[] is found in AWL"
"SETTING _bWhitelistMsg = true"
"MIME From ( address is in AWL ..."
- This means the address '' was found in the AutoWhiteList, it will need to be removed from there
- If instead the address is not listed in the AutoWhiteList, you will see the following:
Checking [] against Autowhitelist ..."
[] is NOT found in AWL"
- The last few lines of any email check that found a match should end with the following if the message was whitelisted:
"Setting block report to [Email address whitelisted]"
"NDRSpamNewSenders = false"
'<< Message Processing Block"
">> Message Uninitialization"
- If you instead do not get a match on the autowhitelist or the whitelist, you will see the following as the last few lines:
"NDRSpamNewSenders = false"
"<< Message Processing Block"
">> Message Uninitialization"
"<< Message Uninitialization"
Priyanka Bhotika