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Managing Personal Whitelists in GFI MailEssentials 2012


In reference to End User Actions, this article explains what is Personal Whitelist and Personal Blocklist and how to configure them.

Personal Whitelist

The personal whitelist is an additional whitelist that complements global whitelist. Disabled by default, the personal whitelist can be enabled for users allowing them to add specific email addresses to a personal whitelist that they can manage.

For management purposes, administrators can also remove specific email addresses that the users have added to their personal whitelist.

Personal Blocklist

The personal blocklist is an additional blocklist that complements global blocklist. Disabled by default, the personal blocklist can be enabled for users to enable them to add specific email addresses to a personal blocklist that they can manage.

For management purposes, administrators can also remove specific email addresses that the users have added to their personal blocklist.


Enabling/Disabling Personal Whitelists

  1. Go to Anti-SpamWhitelist.


  2. Select Personal Whitelist tab and select or unselect Enable personal email whitelist to enable or disable personal whitelist feature.

  3. Click Apply.

Removing Emails from Users' Personal Whitelist

  1. Go to Anti-Spam > Whitelist and select Personal Whitelist tab.
  2. From the User drop-down list, select the user for whom to delete an email address.
  3. Select an email address from the list of email addresses. Click Remove.
  4. Click Apply.

Enabling/Disabling Personal Blocklist

  1. Go to Anti-Spam > Email Blocklist.


  2. Select the Personal Blocklist tab and select or unselect Enable personal email blocklist to enable or disable personal blocklist feature.

  3. Click Apply.

To Use the Personal Whitelist:

  1. Log on to GFI MailEssentials using an Active Directory user or user login credentials.
  2. Select Personal Whitelist\Blocklist.
  3. To create a Personal Whitelist, select the Personal Whitelist tab. For personal blocklists, select the Personal Blocklist tab.
  4. Enter the email address to whitelist or block and click Add Email.
  5. To update an existing entry, select the email address, perform any required changes and click Update.
  6. To delete an existing entry, select an entry and click Delete.

Removing Emails from Users' Personal Blocklist

  1. Go to Anti-Spam > Email Blocklist and select Personal Blocklist tab.
  2. From the User drop-down list, select the user for whom to delete an email address.
  3. Select an email address from the list of email addresses. Click Remove.
  4. Click Apply.


  • You can also export and import lists. Click Export to export the current list of Whitelisted or Blacklisted emails.
  • To import previously exported lists, click Choose File, select the exported file list and click Import.


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Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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