This article describes the process for moving Archiver databases between SQL servers and the necessary steps to move all files without data impact
When moving between SQL servers the order of process is important to make sure that the flow of data is paused prior to migrating data. This allows administrators to move from an old SQL server to a new SQL server with no data loss and for Archiver to pick up where it left off in the mailbox
- From the GFI Archiver web interface, select Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive > highlight Journal Mailbox > select Deactivate
- Wait 15 minutes to ensure that the archiving process has finished. It is recommended to check the following directories and ensure they are empty before proceeding:
- ..\GFI\Archiver\Core\Pickup
- ..\GFI\Archiver\Core\Queue
- ..\GFI\Archiver\MAIS\Pickup
- ..\GFI\Archiver\MAIS\Queue
- Select Configuration > Archive Stores > highlight Archive Store being moved > select Summary
- Note the paths listed (best to take a screenshot)
- Detach the Archive Store
- Stop all GFI Archiver services
- Backup the GFI Archiver database
- From the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, select Databases > right-click <Database name> > Tasks > Backup Database
- Take GFI Archiver database offline
- From Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, select Databases > right-click <Database name> > Tasks > Take Offline
- Move the backup of the database files to the new Microsoft SQL server
- Create a new database
- From Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio > right click Databases > New Database...
- Restore backup database file
- From Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio > Databases > right click <Database name> > Tasks > Restore > Database
- NOTE: The database name can be changed if required
- From the Restore Database window > Source for restore section, select the option From device > select the backup database file
- Check the box under Restore
- Select Options > Restore Options > check Overwrite the existing database > OK
- From Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio > Databases > right click <Database name> > Tasks > Restore > Database
- Verify Owner for the database is SA account
- From Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio > Databases > right click <Database name> > Properties > Files
- Start all GFI Archiver services
- From the GFI Archiver web interface, select Configuration > Archive Stores > Attach Archive Store using new database location and paths from step 4
- Once the databases are attached, click New Archive Store Settings, and complete the wizard using the new SQL server information as displayed in the manual.
- Select Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive > highlight the journal mailbox > select Activate
After migrating the data between servers and restoring the flow of mail to the database Administrators can verify the new server is being used by checking the Summary of the Archive Store as is shown in Step 3 of the process. This will show the currently connected SQL server and allow confirmation that the new SQL server database is in use.
Priyanka Bhotika