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Remediation Error: "Timed out: PatchAgent did not respond in the permitted time interval" When Attempting to Deploy Patches


When deploying patches with GFI LanGuard remediation job, the following error message is seen:

Timed out: PatchAgent did not respond in the permitted time interval.

This may happen with patches that require a long time to install, e.g., service packs, new software version releases. Another root cause can be the agent not being able to reach the GFI LanGuard communications port (default 1072) via HTTP. 


When deploying big patches that take a lot of time to install, like service packs, .NET Framework updates, new Internet Explorer releases, etc. it is possible to reach a timeout. This is a normal function of GFI LanGuard remediation jobs. The patch agent service sends back status messages for each patch deployed (starting, finished, result). After each message, the GFI LanGuard server resets a timeout timer. If the timer reaches the timeout interval configured or the deployment timeout has expired, it displays the Timed Out message and allows the deployment thread to be used by the next machine.

When this happens the remaining updates are listed as failed. However, the patch agent service on the target machine continues to deploy the remaining updates. Therefore the updates may in fact be installed successfully. A scan must be done to see if the patches were deployed successfully.

Another possible reason for the error above is failed communications. To verify whether this is the case, check whether an agent can communicate with the LanGuard server IP on port 1072, for example, using the Netstat utility or telnet. If the port isn't responding, the firewall or any security devices on the network need to be re-configured to allow TCP/IP traffic on port 1072 to the LanGuard server.



Ensure HTTP Communications Are Not Blocked

If the Diagnosis revealed communication blocks to server port 1072, review and ensure that necessary firewall exclusions are in place.

Increase the Deployment Timeout

If the Diagnosis confirmed that the firewall was allowing traffic on port 1072, increase the Deployment Timeout setting.

  1. Go to the GFI LanGuard Console and select Remediate.
  2. Choose the computers/groups to patch on the left pane and select the patch(es) desired to be sent.
  3. Click the Remediate... button.
  4. Select the Advanced Options hyperlink.
    NOTE: You may also select the third listed Customize hyperlink, then click Advanced.
  5. Increment the value for Deployment Timeout then click OK.
  6. Click OK to run the Remediation job with selected patches and increased timeout.


Watch the remediation job progress and verify that the Timed Out error message is gone.


If the issue persists, increase the Timeout even more.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
