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Enabling IKEv2 Support in Kerio Control


This article briefs the procedure to enable IKEv2 support in Kerio Control 9.3


Step-by-Step Procedure:

1. Log in to Kerio Control via SSH . Follow the procedure mentioned here

2. Go to /var/winroute

3. Nano winroute.cfg

4. Scroll down to table “Firewall”

5. <table name="Firewall">

  <variable name="IKEVersion">ikev1</variable>

Change the above-highlighted value to ikev2. 

The configuration now looks like

  <variable name="IKEVersion">ikev2</variable>

6. Save the configuration


Alternatively, you can execute the following command as well

/opt/kerio/winroute/tinydbclient "update Firewall set IKEVersion=ikev2" once connected to SSH


Kerio Control is now enabled to support IKEv2

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
