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How to monitor/ report bandwidth utilization


This post details steps on monitoring and reporting on bandwidth utilization on the Exinda


To view details for bandwidth utilization, users have a wide range of options available.

Every historical graph / monitoring page has an option to select the time period the user want the report/stats for. You can select the time range from the drop down and look at the details for the required time frame.
To create a report user can use the "PDF" icon on the page to download the stats in a PDF format. These pages also allow you to drill down into a particular object (application, host, url, etc) to see more information related to the object.

"" NOTE: Give some time for data to populate if new reporting is configured ""

For a real-time view of traffic passing through the appliance select Monitor > Real Time.
This graph can be filtered by either IP address or subnet. If selected it will also show which policies are being hit by flows and it will associate a user to the IP Address if the Exinda has been integrated with Active Directory. This will show source and destination IPs for traffic flowing through the Exinda's interfaces, both ingress and egress. However, the Exinda will only be able to see what is directly going through its interfaces and will not be able extrapolate 'end destination' if connections are rerouted after the 'destination', the Exinda will have no knowledge of where it's going beyond that unless the new connection is going through it. This is extremely important in some systems where there is often a load balancer, controller or distributer that the traffic is either coming from or going to. The IP of that device will be the one seen on the Exinda; any 'end' destination after that hop will not be seen as that is negotiated after the Exinda sees the traffic.

For an overall historical view of traffic in and out of the WAN side of the appliance select Monitor > Interfaces.
This graph gives you the total throughput that hits the WAN interface "inbound" and "outbound". The Inbound graph is "pre-QOS" data. That is the traffic which Exinda does not have control on and is coming in to be QoS'd. This graph also gives a user stats on all "internal to internal" traffic, if that monitoring is enabled.
The Outbound graphs shows the post QoS'd data based on what we have optimized and is going out of the WAN Interface.

To view the top 10 statistics on the appliance you can use Monitor > Network.
This will show the top 10 Applications, Applications Groups, Conversations, Hosts, URLs, and Users.

To view Application stats select Monitor > Applications or Monitor > Application Groups for group stats.

To view User stats select Monitor > Users.
This page requires Active Directory integration on the Exinda. To enable AD Integration browse to Configuration > System > Network > Active Directory.

To view Host (PC) stats select Monitor > Hosts.
After changing the dropdown box which by default says 'Internal Hosts' to 'External Hosts', the graphs may appear empty. External network objects for this page must be specified in Configuration > System > Setup > Monitoring.

To view URL stats select Monitor > URLs

To view Top Conversations select Monitor > Conversations
This page will display external and internal hosts, application, data transferred, average and max throughput as well as number of flows for each conversation.

To view Subnet stats select Monitor > Subnets.
This page will only display Network objects that have the Subnet Report checkbox under Configuration > Objects > Network.

To view Application stats by Virtual Circuit select Monitor > Virtual Circuits.

To view Post-QoS policy usage select Monitor > Control.
This page will show policy usage by Virtual Circuit.
If Virtual circuit is a DVC (Dynamic Virtual Circuit) then it shows usage and number of active hosts as well (please give time for data to populate in these graphs).

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
