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Excluding Text Files from Incoming Faxes


The purpose of this article is to provide step-by-step instructions for excluding extra text files from being present when faxes are received in an email message or dropped in a folder location.

Access Requirements

The successful execution of the procedure detailed in this article requires access to the fax server.

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Procedure for Excluding Text Files

Follow the procedure below to keep extra text files from appearing with received faxes.

Step Action
1 Open the FaxMaker Configuration from the Start menu.
2 Once open, expand the Advanced node.


3 Select the OCR node and click on Properties.


4 Select the Inbound OCR tab.


5 Ensure that the Attach OCR output text file with fax report checkbox is deselected.
6 Click OK.
7 Restart FaxMaker services.

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Faxes that are received after implementing this solution should no longer contain additional text files.

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Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
