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Error: 'No recipients were found in this message' While Sending Faxes Using NetPrintQueue2FAX


The user receives the following error when sending faxes using NetPrintQueue2FAX:

No recipients were found in this message. Fax could not be sent. The delimiter being used to specify the fax number contains double quotes.


  • FaxMaker
  • All Supported Environments

Root Cause

Microsoft Word has a feature which automatically replaces double quotes with smart quotes. The smart quotes will be interpreted by GFI FaxMaker as an irregular character and the fax will not be sent if the double quotes are used in the Fax number field.
If double quotes are used in the Recipient search field, or in the Company search field, the recipient and company details will not show correctly in the Coverpage.


  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Go to Tools > AutoCorrect Options.
  3. Click on the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
  4. Disable the Straight quotes with smart quotes option.
  5. Click on the AutoFormat tab.
  6. Disable the Straight quotes with smart quotes option.
  7. Click Ok to apply changes.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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