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Unable to create DB tables and archive fax records into tables

Versions / Builds Affected

GFI FaxMaker 2015





How to Identify

Customer is able to create a DB on a remote MS SQL, however it fails to create the necessary version / fax / SMS tables using GFI FaxMaker database configuration tool. The DB is created in the remote MS SQL DB, however there is only one table present called "FM_ARCHIVING_VERSION" which is empty. An error message pops up saying: "There was an error creating database". We tried different approaches such as creating a DB manually, then migrating the firebird DB content into the MS SQL db using the "migration tool". As a precaution measurement hotfix from TT1087 was applied.

Workaround / Fix Details

No workaround identified

Required Actions

Gather full troubleshooting files including where MS SQL instance is installed (remote vs local) and whether tables were created or not Attach article Escalate case
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
