GFI FaxMaker can be installed in a Lotus Domino/Notes 4/5/6/6.5 environment, either directly on the server or on a separate machine. For larger networks, it is recommended to install GFI FaxMaker on a separate machine than Lotus Notes/Domino.
This article provides the steps to configure Lotus Domino/Notes 6.5 to send and receive faxes with GFI FaxMaker.
For information regarding how it works, refer to Lotus Domino/Notes Configuration.
This guide refers to GFI FaxMaker working with Lotus Domino/Notes version 6.5
The setup process involves two main steps:
- Allowing mail relay from the Lotus Domino/Notes server.
- Adding a foreign SMTP domain on the Lotus server.
Step 1: Allow Mail Relay from the Lotus Domino/Notes Server
- From the GFI FaxMaker server, load the Internet Information Services (IIS) console.
- Right-click Default SMTP Virtual Server node and select Properties.
- From the Access tab, click Relay….
- Select Only the list below and click Add…
Figure 1: Relay restrictions dialog
- Select Single computer and in the IP address field specify the Lotus Domino/Notes Server IP address. Click OK.
- Click OK in all dialogs to apply the changes.
Step 2: Add a Foreign SMTP Domain on the Lotus Server
- From the Domino Administrator, select the Configuration tab.
- Navigate to the Messaging > Domains node.
- Click Add Domain.
Figure 2: Adding a new domain
- From the New Domain page, select the Basics tab and set the Domain type to Foreign SMTP Domain.
Figure 3: Configuring the domain type
- Select the Routing tab and from Messages Addressed to, set the Internet Domain to:
.Figure 4: Configure the routing settings
NOTE: The default fax (faxmaker.com) and SMS (smsmaker.com) domains can be customized by the GFI FaxMaker administrator. If using different domains, specify your custom domains. After installation, specify the domains in the GFI FaxMaker Configuration. For more information refer to Fax and SMS domain names.
- Under the Should be Routed to section, set the Internet host to the IP address (enclosed in [ ] ) or the name of the GFI FaxMaker server.
- Save and close the Foreign SMTP Domain entry.
- Reload the Domino router from the Domino server console with the following commands:
tell router stop
tell router start
Priyanka Bhotika