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Unable to See Traffic Analysis Based on Users and Groups After AD Integration


After installing an AD client on your DC or a server in the domain, the server/DC with AD Client is installed on it talking to the Exinda under System > Network > Active Directory. Also, AD Users and Groups sync with the Exinda with the IP addresses of the machines they are logged in from under Objects - Users and Groups. Sometimes, the IP address information does not sync up. This article provides a resolution for this error.


Root Cause

Exinda needs to see the login event 4624 for Windows Server 2008/2012 and 528/540 for Windows Server 2003 in order to recognize user logons.



  1. Make sure Audit Account Logon Events are enabled under your Group Policy Management > Computer Configuration > Security policy > Audit policy (Refer image). A quick shortcut is to run gpedit.msc

  2. Make sure that event ID 4624 is being logged in the event viewer of your AD DC. You can go to your Event Viewer under Start > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer and create a custom view for event ID 4624 under Windows Events.

If the issue still exists please contact Exinda Support.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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