In rare occasions, in Monitor > Service Levels > Network Response (SLA), the SLA Statistics graphs may get stuck at 100% loss and not drop back down on its own. This article provides a resolution for this error.
Root Cause
This is caused by the process which manages these graphs locking up.
After verifying that the IP address of the SLA target is reachable from the Exinda, follow the steps given below:
- Navigate to Configuration > Service Levels > Service Level Agreements.
- Find the SLA Object which has the graph stuck at 100%.
- Click the Edit button.
- Uncheck the Enable checkbox, and press Apply Changes.
- Open the SLA Object back up.
- Check the Enable checkbox, and press Apply Changes.
This should make that specific graph start displaying the data correctly again. If it does not, then please log a Support Case for further assistance.
A permanent resolution is being worked on by the Engineering team for a future firmware release.
Priyanka Bhotika