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mpt-statusd: detected: Exinda Mobile


Some users who use Exinda mobile see below error logs:

Dec 22 10:41:10 Exinda Mobile mpt-statusd: detected non-optimal RAID status
Dec 22 10:51:10 Exinda Mobile mpt-statusd: detected non-optimal RAID status
Dec 22 11:01:10 Exinda Mobile mpt-statusd: detected non-optimal RAID status
Dec 22 11:11:10 Exinda Mobile mpt-statusd: detected non-optimal RAID status
Dec 22 11:21:10 Exinda Mobile mpt-statusd: detected non-optimal RAID status
Dec 22 11:31:10 Exinda Mobile mpt-statusd: detected non-optimal RAID status

The mpt-status daemon is installed by default on a standard Debian Linux installation and monitors the status of a RAID controller.
This isn't doing anything useful on the Exinda Mobile Server virtual machine.
Customers can safely ignore these logs or they can stop and remove mpt-status daemon by using the below reference commands:

First the below command should be used to stop the service.
sudo service mpt-statusd stop

Now, use the below command to prevent it from running again on system start up:
sudo update-rc.d -f mpt-statusd remove.

Exinda is working on, that this feature is disabled on the future releases that are shipped

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