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List of Application Signatures in Exinda Releases


With Application Signatures, there can be updates or additions created in all Firmware updates. New Services, Protocols, Improvements of detection, etc., can happen in any release of the Firmware, and as a result, some versions do not have specific signatures, which can be of interest to customers looking for answers.

This article provides a list which has been compiled from Release Notes, showing the L7 Application Signatures that have been added in each major update since Version 6.0. If a client's Firmware version is greater than or equal to a specific version mentioned in this list, it has all the Application Signatures for all previous versions.

For more detailed information about this list (including versions that include updated improvements to previously created L7 Signatures), search and look the Release Notes for respective Firmware version documented in the Exinda Help Centre.


List of L7 Application Signatures added in each major update since Version 6.0:

  • v7.4.1

 MyVideo TW

 Google Play







 Candy Crush

 LINE Rangers

 Citrix XenApp

 Angry Birds

 Candy Crush Soda

 iOS app store

 League of Legends

 Skype for Business

 Bubble Witch

 Windows Store


 PlayStation Network

 Farm Hero

 Oracle T3

 Rovio Gaming



  • v7.4.0





 Fubon E-Broker





 National Baseball



 Timely TV

 Mei Lu




 Workout Trainer


 Kollect Book






 Age of Warring  Empire


 King of Pirates

 Game of War

 Ciaomobile HDTV




 iWow systex


 Next TV



 Yuanta Web





 Duo Duo

 Wealth God


 Three Bamboo



 pubu bookbuffet



 Disney Storytime


 Blue Jeans  Apple Music





  • v7.0.3
Protocols Applications   
 NTLM Wowza



 Amazon Prime Music

Telegram  Runtastic




 Twitch  VyprVPNÊ


 MagV Kids

 Dota Legend



 iHeart Radio


 Avira Antivirus



 Kaspersky Antivirus

 AVG Antivirus

 Norton Antivirus

 Fuze Meeting





 Microsoft Dynamics  NAV



  • v7.0.2
MS Exchange including subtype Outlook Web Access


  • v7.0.1


Tango subtypes: "IM" and "File-Transfer" 360 Mobile Security Foursquare Net2Phone
  Pinterest Tumblr


  • v7.0.0
Protocols Applications
Diameter Tumblr Xing Google Play Music OFFSystem
MQTT Vimeo iTunes Radio Sina Weibo Windows Azure
Hike Messenger Forfone LiverJasmin jingdong ( Ubuntu One
OS Updates with Subtype 'iOS', 'Android', 'Windows Mobile' IMS TN3270 Dailymotion
  Grooveshark CNTV SinaTV Zynga
  Crime City


Modern War




  • v6.4.7
    No New Additions

  • v6.4.6
Protocols Applications
MS Exchange including subtype Outlook Web Access MEGA
  • v6.4.5
Protocols Applications
 Tango subtypes: "IM" and "File-Transfer"  360 Mobile SecurityÊ


  • v6.4.4
Protocols Applications   
 Diameter Tumblr Zing  Google Play Music  Vimeo

 iTunes Radio

 MQTT  Sina Weibo  Forfone  LiverJasmin jingdong (

 Hike Messenger  IMS TN3270  SCTP  OSPF


 OS Updates with Subtype 'iOS', 'Android', 'Windows Mobile'  OFFSystem  Windows Azure  Ubuntu One  Dailymotion


DiDiÊ  Grooveshark  CNTV  SinaTV  Zynga

 Crime City

  Modern War        


  • v6.4.3
    No New Additions

  • v6.4.2U2
Protocols Applications
Iperf ActiveSync Google Talk VEOHTV SAP
LINE YouPorn eBay PornHub SpiderOak
 M+ ADrive Youku Amazon Shop Yelp
   RenRen  MyMusic Taiwan    


  • v6.4.2
Protocols    Applications    
Demand5 Channel4oD Poison Ivy Burner (Voice) enLegion (Instant Messaging)  Flickr (Social Networking)
FIX Hi5 RSVP (Layer 4 protocol)  Friendster (Social Networking)  Instagram (Social Networking) (Mail)
Hotmail  Lotus Notes Soribada Lovefilm (streaming)  SugarSync (Instant Messaging) TigerText (Instant Messaging)
 ITV  Netflow Zoho Work Online Vibe (Instant Messaging) Voxer (Instant Messaging) Wickr (Instant Messaging)
Oracle DB  Orkut        


  • v6.4.1
    No New Additions

  • v6.4.0
Protocols Applications
Google with subtypes 'Drive', 'Plus', 'Docs', 'Cloud' & 'Encrypted', Box
CyberGhost  Vippie
SPDY  SkyDrive
HTTP subtype 'Video' & 'Audio'  Adobe Creative Cloud



  • v6.3.13
Protocols      Applications      
Demand5 Channel4oD FIX Burner (Voice) enLegion (Instant Messaging)  Flickr (Social Networking)
Hi5 Hotmail ITV  Friendster (Social Networking)  Instagram (Social Networking) (Mail)
Lotus Notes Netflow Oracle DB Lovefilm (streaming)  SugarSync (Instant Messaging)  TigerText (Instant Messaging)
Orkut Poison Ivy  RSVP (Layer 4 protocol)  Vibe (Instant Messaging)  Voxer (Instant Messaging)  Wickr (Instant Messaging)
Soribada Zoho Work Online        


  • v6.3.12
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.11
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.10
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.9
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.8
PD-Proxy (VPN) Silverlight (Streaming) DHCPv6 Gamekit (Games)
Nimbuzz (Voice) QQ Games (Games) WAP (Web) WAP TLS (Secure)
Google Docs iCloud Amazon Cloud DropBox
GMail (Mail) iMessage (Instant Messaging) Office365 AirPort Utility


  • v6.3.7
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.5
Audiogalaxy (Recreational) HTTPTunnel (VPN)
Mig33 (Recreational) Rhapsody (Streaming)
Sudaphone (Voice)

WebQQ (Instant Messaging)


  • v6.3.4
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.3
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.2
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.1
    No New Additions

  • v6.3.0
    No New Additions

  • v6.1.11
ANts P2P (P2P) BOLT (Web) IM+ (Instant Messaging) iPlayer (Streaming)
JBK3000 (Middleware) OperaMini (Web)Ê PCoIP (Thin Client) Scydo (VoIP)
Spotify (Streaming) Tango (VoIP) Teredo (VPN)  UltraSurf (Anonymous Proxy)
Viber (VoIP) WhatsApp (Instant Messaging)    


  • v6.0.2
Apple Updates (Software Updates) OpenVPN (VPN) SoftEthernet (VPN) VPN-X (VPN)
HamachiVPN (VPN) TOR (VPN) Netflix (Streaming) OGG (Streaming)
Icecast (Streaming) Shoutcast (Streaming) RealDataTransport (Streaming) rFactor (Games)
Half-Life 2 (Games) GTP (Games) TeamViewer (Thin Client)  


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