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How to upgrade firmware on exinda from SDP


A user can use SDP to upgrade the firmware on their Exindas. We have 2 types of SDP's - hosted and appliance. Hosted is our cloud based instance and appliance sdp is the one which users have in their network as a device or a vm. Following are the steps to upgrade firmware using SDP


Appliance SDP follow Step 1 then Step 2. Hosted/cloud sdp ( follow Step 2

Step 1 Ð to upload the firmware file on the SDP Server
  1. Open the ÒadminÓ portal for your SDP. That is https://<IP>/admin
  2. Once there, click on ÒAdd FirmwareÓ or ÒUpload firmwareÓ and do the following steps based on whatever fields are required.
Step 2
  1. Once the user has the firmware link/file uploaded to this portal they can now go the SDP instance, i.e. https://IP and browse to the ÒAppliancesÓ tab. For hosted SDP go to and log in to the SDP portal.
  2. Scroll down on the page and click on ÒMass Firmware Update"
  3. On the page that follows select the appliances that have to be upgraded and click "Next"
  4. Choose the firmware that the Exindas should upgrade to and click next
  5. Click ÒconfirmÓ on the next page
ThatÕs is. The firmware will begin to upgrade on the Exindas and they will reboot after the upgrade.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
