All APS, APM, SLA values show as 0Overview
Exinda has the capability of reporting SLA and Application performance with parameters like jitter, rtt, network/server delays etc.SLA and APS detection works with all kinds of topologies - inline, out of path for appliance and virtual exindas. As long Exinda sees both sides of the flow and it is able to detect the same application for the inbound and outbound flow
If traffic is asymmetric, then Exinda wont be able to report the performance for the asymmetric applications.
In out of path topology, it is important to make sure network objects have been configured defining whether they are internal or external such that the Exinda knows which flow is inbound and which one is outbound
Along with this, it is important to make sure that Exinda is detecting the same application for inbound and outbound of a flow.
Example: Flow for youtube from source IP going to server should be seen as 'youtube' both in inbound and outbound direction like this
This way, Exinda will show APS, APM and SLA for this application.
If an application is seen like below - where the inbound says HTTP, outbound says the name of the application, Exinda wont be able to determine the APS score, since the application is different on both sides.
If such a scenario comes across, it could be that the Exinda is seeing traffic twice and due to dual bridge bypass being enabled it is unable to detect the correct application.
Disable dual bridge bypass for monitoring in this case by going to System -> Setup -> Monitoring and disable the dual bridge bypass there. This will make the Exinda detect the application on both sides and help with the APS Scores.
Priyanka Bhotika