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Exinda CLI: Real Time



This article provides information regarding the Exinda CLI command realtime.

You can use the realtime command to display real-time traffic information for applications, hosts, and conversations, as well as a list of asymmetric connections.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols


The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to realtime:


Action Description Command

Parameter Description

To display real-time performance values of applications show realtime apm applications

The output includes the application name, RTT (Round-Trip Time) (ms), network delay (ms), server delay (ms), transaction delay (ms), and the number of transaction flows.

To display real-time TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection health details for hosts show realtime apm hosts

The output includes host, retransmitted bytes, aborted connections, refused connections, ignored connections, and the number of flows.

To display real-time traffic rate for applications show realtime applications direction {inbound|outbound|both} [limit <number-of-applications>]
  • direction {inbound|outbound|both} - Show applications for only inbound traffic, only outbound traffic, or both
  • limit <number-of-applications> - Limit the number of applications to show in the output. Note that the rest of the traffic is merged into a single 'Other' category.
To display real-time traffic rate for hosts show realtime hosts direction {inbound|outbound|both} [limit <number-of-hosts>]
  • direction {inbound|outbound|both} - Show host for only inbound traffic, only outbound traffic, or both
  • limit <number-of-applications> - Limit the number of hosts to show in the output. Note that the rest of the traffic is merged into a single 'Other' category.
To display real-time traffic rate for conversations show realtime conversations {aatype|direction|group|limit|show-policies|users}
  • aatype - Include details indicating if the connection was processed by TCP Acceleration, Edge Cache or was not accelerated.
  • direction [inbound|outbound|both] - Indicate which direction to show
  • group - Group multiple flows into one conversation
  • limit <number> - Limit output to the top <number> of conversations
  • show-policies - Group conversations by policy
  • users - Include user names in the conversations, if available

To display a list of all asymmetrical connections

show monitor asymmetric-route Not Applicable 


Find more CLI commands.

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