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"CPU0000 CPU 1 ... " on Exinda LCD Display


In rare cases, an Exinda appliance may reboot and will show the following error "CPU#### CPU 1 ...", followed by an error description, on the LCD display. This will only be relevant to Exinda appliances using Dell hardware with LCD display.

This article provides information on how to proceed when a device won't boot and says "CPU0000 CPU 1 ... " on the LCD display

Error message examples:

CPU0704 CPU 1 machine check error detected. Power cycle system.
CPU000 CPU1 internal error (IERR). Contact Support.


Root Cause

Possible hardware issue causing a processor error (though not necessarily indicate a problem with the processor itself).



  1. The first thing to do would be to reseat the RAM inside of the Exinda.

    1. Please make sure that all power cables are removed from the device.

    2. hold down the power button for about 30 seconds to drain any remaining power.

    3. Then, open up the device and reseat any RAM installed. Also, confirm that the CPU is installed firmly.

  2. After performing the steps above, if the device is still showing the same issue, please open up a support case for further assistance.


Found troubleshooting steps on Dell PowerEdge R320 System Error Messages

Noticed on an 8063 unit.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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