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How to share calendars


This article will guide you through the procedure described in the title. It is intended for Kerio Connect users and agents as a self-service guide.

Step-by-Step Guide


To share your calendar, you can use traditional sharing or delegation. For more information refer to Using delegation in Kerio Connect Client.

  1. In your Kerio Connect Client, go to the Calendars section.
  2. Click the arrow next to the calendar name and select Sharing.
  3. Click the plus sign and start typing the name or email address of a user or group. As you type, Kerio Connect Client offers you addresses from your contact lists.

  1. Click the plus sign and the down arrow to share with:
  • Everyone in your company — Select Everyone from <your company>.
  • Everyone from the server — Select Everyone from server.


Do not use Everyone from server if you use Kerio Cloud! For more information refer to Kerio Cloud.

  • Anonymous users — Select Public access.

  1. Specify the rights for each user you share your calendar with:
  • Reader — Users can only see the events (automatically set for Public access).
  • Editor — Users can add, delete, and edit events.
  • Owner — Users can set sharing as well as add, delete, and edit events.
  1. Click Save.


Only the original owner can change events with more attendees. However, you can use delegation instead of sharing — delegates can edit your events with multiple users. For more information refer to Using delegation in Kerio Connect Client.


If someone shares a calendar with you, follow these steps to subscribe to the shared folders:

  1. In Kerio Connect Client, go to the Calendars section.
  2. Click the menu icon next to People.
  3. In the list of calendarshared with you, select the calendars you want to display.

Now you can work with the sharecalendars as your rights permit.


If events also have attendees other than the original owner, you cannot change those events regardless of your rights.




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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
