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Importing KOFF Database Into New Outlook Profile


The procedure described in the title is also known as *.FDB database file import. Kerio Outlook Connector uses a database file(s) to store its data. These database files are stored in the users' home folder and are dependent on the Microsoft Outlook profile name. To import the database file into a new Microsoft Outlook profile, the database needs to be updated accordingly to work with a new profile.

This article provides step-by-step instructions to import the KOFF (Kerio Outlook Connector Offline Edition) database into a new Outlook profile.




  • The preferred way of exporting or importing the data from/to Microsoft Outlook is to use the Import/Export feature in Microsoft Outlook (e.g., using PST files).
  • The package is for the Microsoft Outlook 32-bit version. The is for the 64-bit versions.
    • Only Microsoft Outlook 2010 is supported.
    • Both versions support Kerio Outlook Connector 8.4 and newer.
  • The package works for the Microsoft Outlook versions supported by Kerio Connect 7.1.x - 7.4.x.
    • Microsoft Outlook 2013 and up are not supported.
  • If the database/server was attacked by ransomware (e.g., Cryptolocker), the server files and backup files are encrypted, and there is no option to decrypt the files. Hence, the KOFF database files cannot be imported into Outlook. It is recommended to contact a security specialist to resolve such an issue.

Location of Database Files

Kerio Outlook Connector uses the following location for its database files:

Windows Vista, 7, and 8:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Kerio\Outlook Connector\<OutlookProfileName>

Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Kerio\Outlook Connector\<OutlookProfileName>




IMPORTANT: Only a personal data store is imported. None of the shared folders or public folders can be imported into the new profile.
  1. Create a new profile and double-check if it works by starting and stopping the Outlook application.
  2. Locate your profile directory (see the section Location of Database Files above).
  3. Copy the database files into the new Outlook profile you want to import them to (in step 1).

    • Kerio Outlook Connector 7.2.x and newer versions use multiple database files. These files are named using the folder IDs.

      Example of a directory output:

    • The Kerio Connect 7.1.x version uses a single store.fbd database file.
  4. Open Command Prompt in Windows. (Go to Start > Run > type cmd > hit Enter.)
  5. Use the appropriate AdoptDb.exe utility for your *.fbd file version (the utility works directly with the MS Outlook profile).
    • The version of the Kerio Outlook Connector installed is important at this point. Notice that the parameter names might differ for various versions of AdoptDb.exe for Kerio Connect 7.1.x versions:

      • /p for AdoptDB
      • /profile for AdoptDb7_1
    • Read the utility's help carefully. AdoptDb.exe is a command-line utility and needs to be started from the Command Prompt.
      E.g., AdoptDb.exe /p Test, where Test is the MS Outlook profile name.

      Below is the log extract of the AdoptDb.exe utility executed from the Command Prompt:

      C:\Users\<user name>\Downloads\DbAdopter\DbAdopter>AdoptDb.exe

      Incorrect parameters for AdoptDb

      AdoptDb - Utility for setting Koff database to MAPI profile

      Usage: AdoptDb /p <profile>
      /p - name of existing MAPI profile to use

  6. Start Microsoft Outlook with the updated Kerio Outlook Connector profile.
    • If the Kerio Outlook Connector is a newer version than the *.FBD file, then the database upgrade should be started by Kerio Outlook Connector itself. However, this is not recommended, and if possible, use the same version of Kerio Outlook Connector as the original *.FBD database.
    • The new adopted profile starts in offline mode. Do not switch it to the online mode to prevent synchronization updates (old profile data may be overwritten by scheduled synchronization updates in a new profile).



The Adopt_Db utility runs successfully and the emails are imported into KOFF Outlook 2010 profile.


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