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Patches fail to install with Some or all identity references could not be translated.

Versions / Builds Affected




Problem Summary

Patches/CUs fail to install on Server 2008 R2+ for non-English installations



How to Identify

2015-07-02,18:43:17,450,1,"#0000177C","#00000037","error ","PatchPlugin","Error: InstallPatch, System.Security.Principal.IdentityNotMappedException: Some or all identity references could not be translated. ; at System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.Translate(IdentityReferenceCollection sourceAccounts, Type targetType, Boolean forceSuccess) ; at System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.Translate(Type targetType) ; at System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity.ModifyAccess(AccessControlModification modification, AccessRule rule, Boolean& modified) ; at System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.ModifyAccessRule(AccessControlModification modification, AccessRule rule, Boolean& modified) ; at MailEssentials.PatchChecker.PatchChecker.EnsureDirectoryExistance(String path) ; at MailEssentials.PatchChecker.PatchChecker.InstallPatch(String id)"

Workaround / Fix Details

Our Development team has released a patch for this issue, it fixes the Auto-Patching module. Please find it below: 1. Download the cab file and extract content twice 2. Right-click the files > Properties > click on Unblock button if available 3. Execute 'GFIPatchExecuter.exe' 4. Confirm the patch was applied successfully from General Settings > Product Updates. 5. Confirm all other patches have been installed, if not, click to install them manually, if it fails, double check in Attendant/Debuglogs/PatchPlugin.log if the error is different troubleshoot accordingly, if it's the same please advice PSE.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
