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Applying VSAPI Settings


This article is a general guide that explains where we can configure VSAPI (Virus Scanning Application Programming Interface) and what options are available to us.

Mostly it will be used for reference on services and modules in GFI MailEssentials that requires VSAPI and some configuration might be required to be in place.


Exchange Virus Scanning Application Programming Interface (VSAPI) is the communication channel that Exchange 2010 uses for Information Store Protection. Follow these steps to modify the VSAPI settings:

  1. Go to the VSAPI Settings tab.

  2. (Optional) Select Enable background scanning to run Information Store Scanning in the background.

Note: Background scanning causes all the contents of the Information Store to be scanned. This can result in a high processing load on the Microsoft®Exchange server depending on the number of items stored in the Information Store. It is recommended to enable this option only during periods of low server activity such as during the night.

  1. Select a VSAPI scan method:
Scan Method Description
On-access scanning New items in the Information Store are scanned as soon as they are accessed by the email client. This introduces a short delay before the email client displays the contents of a new message.
Pro-active scanning

New items added to the Information Store are added to a queue for scanning. This is the default and recommended mode of operation since in general the delay associated with on-access scanning is avoided.

Note: If an email client tries to access an item that is still in the queue, it allocates a higher scanning priority so that it is scanned immediately.

  1. Click on Apply.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
