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How to configure GFI MailEssentials to route spam emails to users Junk email folder when GFI MailEssentials is on a separate machine from Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013



When GFI MailEssentials is installed on a separate machine than Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 / 2010 / 2013, it is not possible to configure GFI MailEssentials to automatically set the SCL level for spam emails.
In order to route emails to the Junk email folder, the following is required: 
  1. Configure GFI MailEssentials to tag spam emails
  2. Configure Microsoft Exchange 2007 / 2010 / 2013 to change the SCL level for tagged emails


  • GFI MailEssentials
  • Microsoft Exchange 2016
  • Microsoft Exchange 2013
  • Microsoft Exchange 2010
  • Microsoft Exchange 2007


 Step 1: Configure GFI MailEssentials to tag spam emails. 
  1. Open the GFI MailEssentials configuration and expand the Anti-Spam node
  2. Expand the Anti-Spam Filters Click on the node of one of the Anti-Spam filters  (Spamrazer, Bayesian. etc)and select Actions.
  3. In the Actions tab, select the radio button next to Tag email with the following Text 
  4. Insert the Tag which will be given to spam emails. For example: [SPAM]
  5. Repeat the above steps for each of the GFI MailEssentials anti-spam filters for which you want the blocked spam mails to be forwarded to the users Junk E-mail folder. It is important that the tag is the same for all anti-spam features. 
Step 2: Configure Microsoft Exchange to change the SCL level for tagged emails.

Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010
  1. Open the Microsoft Exchange Manage Console
  2. Expand Organization Configuration > Hub Transport
  3. Select the Transport Rules tab
  4. Under the Actions section, click New Transport Rule
  5. In the New Transport Rule wizard enter the Nam' for the connector in the Introduction screen. The name can be set to: Set SCL level.
  6. In the Conditions screen, enable the check box When the subject field contains specific words
  7. Set the specific word to the tag inserted in step 4 of the Configure GFI MailEssentials to tag spam emails procedure
  8. In the Actions screen, enable the check box Set the spam confidence level to value 
  9. Set the value to 9
  10. No exceptions are required to be configured in the Exceptions screen
  11. Complete the wizard
Microsoft Exchange 2013/2016
  1. Open the Microsoft Exchange Admin Center  https://YourExchangeServer/ecp
  2. Click on Mail flow and then Rules
  3. Create a new rule by clicking on the + sign
  4. In the new rule wizard set the name to Set SCL Level
  5. Select More Options
  6. Under Apply this rule if... Select The The subject or body... and the sub-selection subject includes any of these words
  7. Set the specific word to the tag inserted in step 4 of the Configure GFI MailEssentials to tag spam emails procedure.
  8. Under Do the following... select Modify the message properties and in the sub-selection set the spam confidence level (SCL)
  9. Set the value to 9
  10. No exceptions are required to be configured in the Exceptions screen
  11. Complete the wizard by pressing Save


The Move to Junk Email Folder action is only available when GFI MailEssentials is installed directly on a Microsoft Exchange server.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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