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Error in the GFI MailEssentials Dashboard: "Item Processed Unsuccessful"



Some or all emails are not blocked as spam and / or disclaimers are not being added. When this occurs, the following errors are displayed in the GFI MailEssentials monitor and the GFI MailEssentials dashboard:
GFI MailEssentials Monitor: 'Item Processed Unsuccessful'
GFI MailEssentials Dashboard: 'Processing failed: <Module Name>''


  • GFI MailEssentials


The nature of this warning cannot be attributed to a specific reason, as this can vary depending on the situation. This warning will usually appear when one of the GFI MailEssentials modules fails to scan the email. Review the following possible resolutions for your issue and check if the issue persists after performing each suggestion:

Anti-virus and backup software may cause GFI MailEssentials to malfunction. Please review the below link which explains which folders need to be excluded from Virus Scanning and backup software.

If you have configured GFI MailEssentials to log occurrences of spam emails that are being blocked by GFI MailEssentials, ensure that these logs are not greater than 5MB. By default these files are stored in <Program Files\GFI\MailEssentials\Logs>. If any of these files are over 5MB in size, remove these files from this directory and place them in a temporary directory. GFI MailEssentials will automatically re create a new set if logs when the next email is processed by that module.
Should the problem persist, we recommend that you contact our support team.
Registered customers are kindly requested to use the form found at
Customers currently evaluating the product should use the online web form found at: 

You will need to send us a set of troubleshooter files. These files contain important information, which will allow us to resolve this issue. The troubleshooter files can be generated from the troubleshooter program that can be found in the product program group. Please answer the questions set by the troubleshooter as accurately as possible. Once the troubleshooter program is finished, it will create a number of files under the product installation\Support directory. Please compress all files in one zip file and send it over to us for analysis. Also ensure you run the program till the end.


These files should be generated when the issue is present or within 2-3 hours of the issue having occurred.
The last screen of the GFI MailEssentials troubleshooter will provide information on where to upload the troubleshooting files should they be too large to send by email.


  • Possible conflict on GFI MailEssentials ports causing the scanning process to not complete
  • Antivirus or 3rd party file based backups removing the temp files that are used by the scanning engines
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
