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GFI MailEssentials Custom Reports issues: no data is shown, no adding of further times are possible when Sunday is selected and the Custom Reports emails are not sent out.

Versions / Builds Affected

GFI MailEssentials 2014 R2



Problem Summary

GFI MailEssentials Custom Reports issues: no data is shown, no adding of further times are possible when Sunday is selected and the Custom Reports emails are not sent out.



How to Identify

Several issues are being fixed in the below patch: 1. Custom Reports show no data The ReportingGenerator log file shows: 2014-09-17,16:14:43,843,1,"#00004254","#00000014","error ","ReportingGenerator","Error: Report generation failed at GenerateReport(). Report with Guid e2c9e429-89ee-42f3-a844-72beb55bed77 will be set to failed. Stack MessageFirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbException (0x80004005): Dynamic SQL Error ;SQL error code = -204 ;Table unknown ;MECES_PROCESSED ;At line 1, column 311 ---> Dynamic SQL Error ... 2. Custom reports are unable to add custom scheduled times when Sunday is selected 3. When trying to send the GFI MailEssentials Custom Reports, the email is never generated. The NotificationServices log file shows following error: ,"error ","Notification Services","ERROR EXCEPTION: System.ApplicationException: Template [D:\Program Files\GFI\MailEssentials\Backend\Templates\scheduledreport] was not found ; at MEC.NotificationServices.Notification..ctor(String sUrl, NotificationServices host) ; at MEC.NotificationServices.NotificationSubsystem.CreateNotification(String sUrl)" ificationServices","ERROR: Notification: notification template[D:\Program Files\GFI\MailEssentials\Backend\Templates\scheduledreport] does not exist" Issue caused by missing line in MailEssentials.Backend.Remoting.exe.config file. The file should contain:

Workaround / Fix Details

Follow the instructions found in the included ReadMeFirst.txt file in the below patch:

Required Actions

Apply fix information as described above and attach this article to case.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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