It is important that a patch is only applied to the matching version of the product. Please verify which version of the product is installed before applying a patch. Installing a patch for a different version is likely to leave the installation in an inoperable state.
GFI MailEssentials 2014 (build 20131107 & 20131113)
When malware emails are previewed and deleted from the GFI MailEssentials Quarantine UI, their associated RDT files are not removed from the RawData folder.
HTML encoding is being displayed in Microsoft Outlook when using HTML disclaimers, the following text is found in the body of the email charset=us-ascii" http-equiv=Content-Type>
MSI Installer: ME2014_PATCH_20131223_1446MSI.zip
The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module:
1. will fail when multiple MAPI profiles are available and the default MAPI Profile is not selected when starting Microsoft Outlook
2. fails to detect Microsoft Office Click-to-Run. As a result, a user will not be able to install the SpamTag feature
1. will fail when multiple MAPI profiles are available and the default MAPI Profile is not selected when starting Microsoft Outlook
2. fails to detect Microsoft Office Click-to-Run. As a result, a user will not be able to install the SpamTag feature
Emails processed by GFI MailEssentials which is installed on a Microsoft Exchange 2007 or Microsoft Exchange 2010 Edge Server will end up under the 'EmailSecurity\FailedMails' folder. The problem will be triggered when creating and enabling Content Filtering and Attachment Checking Rules.
Several issues were discovered in GFI MailEssentials AntiSpam (AS) Scanning service that caused a constant rise in memory use on platforms with Microsoft Windows 2008 and Microsoft Exchange 2007. The causes for this leak are:
1. An incorrect allocation of memory in MTA.dll - such memory was not de-allocated;
2. Various memory objects related to Microsoft SQL CE were not disposed properly in PWLBL_DBHandler.dll.
3. In some scenarios, the processing of outbound emails was causing a memory leak on GFISCANS.EXE. This was mostly predominant when the hierarchy in AD was complex - made up of several nested groups.
1. An incorrect allocation of memory in MTA.dll - such memory was not de-allocated;
2. Various memory objects related to Microsoft SQL CE were not disposed properly in PWLBL_DBHandler.dll.
3. In some scenarios, the processing of outbound emails was causing a memory leak on GFISCANS.EXE. This was mostly predominant when the hierarchy in AD was complex - made up of several nested groups.
Slow reporting on Microsoft SQL databases. items will back up in the reporting queues "gfimerportq@0 - gfimereportq@2"
1. HTML encoding is being displayed in Microsoft Outlook when making use of HTML Disclaimers from GFI MailEssentials.
2. Disclaimers are still being sent for excluded users and email addresses.
ME2014_PATCH_20140212_1511.zip2. Disclaimers are still being sent for excluded users and email addresses.
1. The GFI MailEssentials Listserver is unable to hold more than 500 subscribers;
2. The GFI MailEssentials Listserver Newsletter User Interface (UI) does not allow administrators to select tables anymore;
3. The GFI MailEssentials Pop2Exchange module fails to authenticate users.
EmailSecurity Attendant crashing, the Application logs for Event Viewer show application crashes referring to CLR.DLL
List server updates for the UI
1. Listserver does not allow to select table anymore
2. Listserver Newsletter does not allow more than 500 entries
The gfireportq@recovery MSMQ queue builds up to the max size of 103,000 entries, causing emails to go into the FailedMails folder.
1. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module will fail when multiple MAPI profiles are available and the default MAPI Profile is not selected when starting Microsoft Outlook.
2. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module fails to detect Microsoft Office "Click-to-Run". As a result, a user will not be able to install the SpamTag feature.
3. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module will keep emails in Microsoft Outlook locked for a few minutes after they are accessed by an end-user.
GFI MailEssentials 2014 SR2 (build 20140308)
Japanese emails using the ISO-2022-JP japanese character set will get corrupted due to the HTML sanitizer module.
1. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module will fail when multiple MAPI profiles are available and the default MAPI Profile is not selected when starting Microsoft Outlook.
2. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module fails to detect Microsoft Office "Click-to-Run". As a result, a user will not be able to install the SpamTag feature.
3. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module will keep emails in Microsoft Outlook locked for a few minutes after they are accessed by an end-user.
4. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module is unable to detect the version of Microsoft Outlook and will therefore fail to install.
1. When using an Microsoft SQL database the reporting is slow and can cause the reporting queues to back up
2. Items will back up in the reporting queues "gfimerportq@0 - gfimereportq@2"
List server reports NDR folder does not exist or does not have enough privileges on the folder, when you try and save a list server setting in the UI.
Reporting queues are building up due to the amount of Spam filtering through and can cause degraded performance once the private queues hit 103,000 in the reporting queues
When Using Custom Advanced Content filter rules, Memory usage will increase on the GFIscanm.exe service causing failures to update the antivirus engines and high memory usage
Disclaimers are no longer displaying in the UI, after upgrading to latest version
After upgrading to GFI MailEssentials 2014 SR1, items downloading from update.gfi.com or update.gfisoftware.com are failing to update. Items that update from update.gfi.com include all anti-virus engines, Trojan and Executable Email Exploit signatures, Bayesian Analysis and Anti-Phishing.
All antivirus updates failing since update to SR1 and SR2
POP2Exchange fails to route emails to the designated recipients
Auto replies not showing in the UI after adding 69 auto replies.
Emails that are sent with 'www.ready-mat.cz' included in the body are being blocked by URIDNS as it is incorrectly detecting 'www.re'.
GFI MailEssentials 2014 R2 (build 20140627)
ME2014_R2_PATCH_20140925_882.zipThe GFI MailEssentials SpamRazer module will cause mailflow to stop intermittently, emails get queued in the Microsoft Exchange queue. The patch will update the GFI SpamRazer module to it's latest version.
1. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module will fail when multiple MAPI profiles are available and the default MAPI Profile is not selected when starting Microsoft Outlook.
2. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module fails to detect Microsoft Office "Click-to-Run". As a result, a user will not be able to install the SpamTag feature.
3. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module will keep emails in Microsoft Outlook locked for a few minutes after they are accessed by an end-user.
4. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module is unable to detect the version of Microsoft Outlook and will therefore fail to install.
Memory Leak due to the GFI MailEssentials Advanced Content Filtering module, causes the GFIScanM process to grow it's memory consumption rapidly over time.
1. Emails downloaded via GFI MailEssentials Pop2Exchange module do not display Unicode characters correctly;
2. Emails directed to recipients that make use of the header formatted in <'username@domain.com'> and which are downloaded via the GFI MailEssentials Pop2Exchange module will not be sent to the address stored in the To: field.</
The GFI MailEssentials Pop2Exchange module fails to delete emails from the associated POP3 Server. The patch also improves the overall GFI MailEssentials Pop2Exchange performance.
URIDNS wrongfully blocks emails as just parts of the domain name is being looked up.
Formatting on emails downloaded via GFI Pop2Exchange changes, even with the registry key AdapterDotStuffing
1. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module is unable to synch with the Personal Blocklist and Microsoft Outlook Junk Settings correctly;
2. The GFI MailEssentials SpamTag module fails to detect Microsoft Outlook and therefore will not be installed.
When GFI MailEssentials is installed on a multi-domain setup, the user counting module might switch the product to Grace Period since it will be counting users that belong to other domains. Such domains do not form part of the local domains that are listed in GFI MailEssentials.
Disclaimers are not being added to Outlook autoreply emails
The GFI MailEssentials Enterprise Transfer service will crash when merging data due to a missing column ('last_merge') which is located in the 'mestrx.mdb' database.
The GFI MailEssentials Attendant Service will intermittently leak memory until the process eventually crashes. The issue is related to the GFI MailEssentials Public Folders processing.
Some inbound emails end up in a loop where they are re-processed again and again until the email header becomes too big for the mail server to process.
Slow mail flow due to slow email scanning when using large lists of keywords in the Keyword Filtering module (GFI MailEssentials Content Scanning).
Temporary .BDY files are written to the Microsoft Windows Temp folder, which are then blocked by local antivirus software when the scanned emails are infected.
GFI MailEssentials services fail to start automatically after a server restart due to the GFI MailEssentials Attendant taking too long to start.
1. Custom reports show no data.
2. Custom reports are unable to add customer scheduled times when Sunday is selected.
3. Custom reports are failing to send the email.
2. Custom reports are unable to add customer scheduled times when Sunday is selected.
3. Custom reports are failing to send the email.
The Ticket Manager module in GFI MailEssentials fails to create tickets which are required for notification components to work (for example the SpamDigests will not work).
Clicking on the GFI MailEssentials Quarantine quicksearch link at the bottom of the page in the Quarantine Report email brings up an Access Denied error.
The global Blocklist and Whitelist are displayed when logging in with a normal user account (non Admin) in GFI MailEssentials SpamTag. The patch includes changes done in patches 2147, 2016 and 1446.
The GFI MailEssentials Pop2Exchange module ignores the Grace Period if user license count limit has been exceeded.
1. Inability to generate custom reports that run on FireBird databases. Such reports will appear blank or with no data.;
2. Custom reports are unable to add custom scheduled times when Sunday is selected;
3. Scheduled Custom Reports fail to be sent.
Approving emails from the GFI MailEssentials Dashboard\Logs web interface crashes the Microsoft IIS process and shows a "cannot display the webpage" error whenever Microsoft Windows authentication is used.
The Enterprise Transfer Service is not synchronising data, the pwlbl.xml file is not merged. The patch also includes the fix for the crash of the Enterprise Transfer Service when merging the personal whitelist/blocklist.
Configuration UI times out when users which are members of many groups try to log in.
Users can not be added or subscribe to the List server.
Priyanka Bhotika