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Drive space is filling quickly due to transaction logs


This article provides details on a common cause of the error which occurs when messages are not being archived or you are unable to update schema due to running out of drive space.



The databases configured for Archiver will consistently be growing larger. This issue occurs when the transaction log has reached its configured size or the disk does not have sufficient space. For more information, please see the Microsoft article Troubleshoot a Full Transaction Log (SQL Server Error 9002). As such this is why it is recommended to have the databases located on a different drive than Archiver or the system drive itself. 

Reviewing logs you will see errors similar to below showing the failure to write data.

Error: 'The transaction log for database 'X' is full' 

..\Core\DebugLogs\LogSubmit2.log  2012-04-11,12:47:15,739,1,"#0000061C","#00000039","error","LogSubmit2","Error: failed to submit. Message:Store.Exceptions.DalException: UploadFailed ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The transaction log for database 'X' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases 

..\Store\DebugLogs\ManagementProviders.log  2012-07-02,09:48:04,215,1,"#00002684","#0000001D","info","ManagementProviders","(MSSql) ReadOnly Failed >> [The transaction log for database 'X' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases]" 

..\Store\DebugLogs\ErrorsDal.log 2011-04-12,13:20:02,345,1,"#00000FA4","#00000096","error","ErrorsDal","error: (MsSql) BeginTransaction() - ;message: The transaction log for database 'X' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases"

SQL Server Error 9002: Full Transaction Log 



  1. Verify Autogrowth settings are not restricting growth:
    1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio and expand Databases.
    2. Right-click the GFI Archiver Database and select Properties.
    3. Select the Files node.
    4. Click the button under Autogrowth.
      Note: The recommended Autogrowth settings are 100 MB unrestricted for the Data Files and 10 MB unrestricted for the Transaction Logs
  2. Verify there is sufficient space on the disk.
    Note: Possible solutions to free up space: Truncating the transaction logs in Microsoft SQL Server or Moving the transaction log file to a disk drive with sufficient space



After performing the fix above to allow expansion of the database, moving to another disk or truncating the current logs to free up space resume normal operation of Archiver. If the drive space issue has been resolved data will be allowed to flow to the database or transaction logs again successfully. 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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