This article describes the process to archive emails from multiple Microsoft Exchange Servers using either a single journal mailbox or multiple journal mailboxes for each server.
Customers may run Archiver in a setup where they are accessing multiple exchange servers and domains. As long as Archiver is configured to connect to the appropriate Journal mailbox via Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive then the system should be able to store the mail received in each of the Journal mailboxes.
Different approaches are possible in environments which contain multiple Microsoft Exchange servers. Follow the method stated below which best suits your requirements:
By using a single journal mailbox
- Two Microsoft Exchange servers exist in the environment.
- Create a single journal mailbox on one of the Microsoft Exchange servers.
- Configure both Microsoft Exchange servers to journal into the same journal mailbox.
Add the journal mailbox as a data source to GFI Archiver by navigating to Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive.
By using multiple journal mailboxes
- Two Microsoft Exchange servers exist in the environment.
- Create journal mailbox 1 on Microsoft Exchange server 1.
- Create journal mailbox 2 on Microsoft Exchange server 2.
- Configure Microsoft Exchange server 1 to journal into journal mailbox 1.
- Configure Microsoft Exchange server 2 to journal into journal mailbox 2.
- Add both journal mailboxes as separate data sources to GFI Archiver by navigating to Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive.
NOTE: If running a mixed Microsoft Exchange environment, the journal mailbox needs to be located on the Microsoft Exchange server running the most recent version.
After adding all intended Journal mailboxes administrators can verify archiving is occurring by navigating to the Archiver Console > Archive Tab.
From this tab using the drop down shown above search for a user in the alternate domain and view items archived for this user.
Priyanka Bhotika