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Installing Outlook Connector via GPO


This article describes the process to install Outlook Connector via Group Policy Object (GPO). By using group policy, you can allow users to install the Outlook® Connector remotely in their machines.



  • Outlook must be installed on the client devices
  • Active Directory enabled environment
  • This method of installation is available to network administrators only.



Follow the steps below to configure the GPO, ADM, and Configuration of the tool to install across the selected portion of the network.

  1. Download one of the following Outlook Connector MSI packages from MSI Download Links for GFI Archiver Client Access Tools making sure to match the version of the software installed:
    • MAROC_32bitOutlook.msi (Installer for Microsoft Outlook 32-bit computers only)
    • MAROC_64bitOutlook.msi (Installer for Microsoft Outlook 64-bit computers only)
      NOTE: Make sure that when deploying the 32-bit version of the Outlook Connector, the domain policy used contains only computers with Microsoft Outlook 32-bit version installed.
      Also, ensure to use a domain policy that applies only to computers where Microsoft Outlook 64-bit version is installed when deploying GFI Archiver 64-bit edition.
  2. Save the downloaded file to a shared folder accessible by all domains.
  3. Add Group Policy Management Editor snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console.
    1. On the command prompt, enter mmc.exe and click Enter to launch the Microsoft Management Console.
    2. Click File > Add/Remove Snap-in... and click Add...
    3. Select Group Policy Management Editor snap-in and click Add.
    4. Click Browse… and select the domain policy to edit.
    5. Select the domain policy and click OK.
    6. Click Finish to close Select Group Policy Object dialog.
    7. Click Close to close Add Standalone Snap-in dialog.
    8. Click OK to close Add/Remove Snap-in dialog and return to the Microsoft Management Console.
  4. Add the gfiapps.adm template to the group policy.
    1. Navigate to Console Root > <domain policy> > User Configuration > Policies, right-click Administrative Templates, and select Add/Remove Templates….
    2. Click Add…, browse for the file gfiapps.adm located at Program Files\GFI\Archiver\Client Tools and click Open.
    3. Click Close to return to the Microsoft Management Console.
  5. Expand Console Root > <domain policy> > User Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Classic Administrative Templates (ADM) > GFI Applications.
  6. From the right pane, double-click GFI Archiver Server Location policy and select Enabled. In the Server URL text box, enter the URL where user machines can access GFI Archiver in the form http://<hostname>/<GFI Archiver virtual folder name>

    For example:
  7. Optionally, click Next Setting and configure the following settings.
    For each option, select Not Configured to use the default value or click Enable to specify a custom value.

    Option Description
    GFI Archiver Outlook®Connector Data Path Root Specify a different root location where store configurations and local emails are stored on client machines. For example, type ‘%MyDocuments%’ to store in the My Documents folder of the logged on user.
    GFI Archiver Outlook®Connector days span Specify the number of days for which emails are synchronized. Only emails received within this time span are accessible through GFI Archiver Outlook Connector.
    GFI Archiver Outlook®Connector download batch size Specify how many emails can be downloaded during one synchronization session.
    GFI Archiver Outlook®Connector connection timeout Specify the timeout period in milliseconds for accessing data from the GFI Archiver server.
    GFI Archiver Outlook®Connector maximum offline days Specify the maximum number of days which a user can set for emails offline access.
    GFI Archiver Outlook®Connector offline support

    Enable or disable offline support. If offline support is enabled, specify the number of days to support offline access. If this setting is enabled:

    • Users are not allowed to modify offline access
    • GFI Archiver Outlook Connector maximum offline days setting is ignored.
  8. Click OK when all settings are configured.
  9. Select Console Root > <domain policy> > Computer Configuration > Policies > Software Settings.
  10. Right-click Software installation and select New > Package…
  11. In the Open dialog, locate the shared directory where msi file is saved.

    NOTE: When selecting the location of the msi file, ensure that this is done through My Network Locations so that the share name in GFI Archiver includes the full network share location rather than the local path.

  12. Choose the deployment option by selecting Assigned and OK.
  13. Outlook Connector will be installed the next time each client machine is started.



The Outlook Connector adds a section to toolbars, ribbons, and/or menus within Microsoft Outlook. To verify successful installation, check that the following buttons are now visible within Microsoft Outlook.


Additionally a new mailbox will be added in the Navigation pane as shown below.


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
