When accessing the GFI Archiver web interface, you might encounter the following error:
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error: The Website cannot display the page. |
This article provides information about the error's root cause and outlines the steps on how to resolve the error.
GFI Archiver
All supported environments
Root Cause
GFI Archiver might be missing some required components to work properly.
Verify if the Internet Information Services/IIS Admin service and its dependencies are started/running.
Check if the website is started/running:
Go to Start > Administrative Tools > IIS Manager.
Expand the machine node and the Sites option.
Right-click the website that hosts GFI Archiver and select the Restart option.
Example: Default Web Site
On IIS Manager's main interface, expand the machine node, and select the Application Pools option. Ensure that the GFI Archiver Application Pool is running/started.
Ensure the GFI Archiver Application Pool is set to ASP.NET v4.0 and Network Service:
Go to IIS Manager > Application Pools.
Go to the GFI Archiver Application Pool and click the Advanced Settings option.
On the Advanced Settings window, go to General > .NET Framework Version and verify if the application pool is using .NET Framework 4.0.
Go to Process Model > Identity to check if the application pool identity is set to the Network Service option.
Confirm if all IIS prerequisites listed below are installed:
.NET extensibility
ISAPI extensions
ISAPI filters
Windows authentication
Verify if ASP.NET has been registered with IIS, and the pages are enabled.
Priyanka Bhotika