Overview GFI Archiver fails to authenticate when loading the web interface with Error 401. This article explains how you can troubleshoot this issue. Root Cause This error occurs when the IIS® authen...
Overview When opening emails or email attachments from the GFI Archiver web interface, It raises one of the following errors: A Web filtering error, specifying the downloaded attachment being corrupt....
Overview GFI Archiver fails to authenticate users while loading the web interface. The article details the step to resolve the issue. Environment Authentication failure is a known general issue for GF...
Overview This article shares information around understanding and using Archive Assistant to archive emails & calendar item in GFI Archiver. IMPORTANT: Any items archived through the Archive Assistant...
Overview Users may report that retention policies are not working after Archiver upgraded from the previous version. When attempting to use Retroactive Retention to delete unwanted emails, to confirm ...
Antivirus software may cause GFI Archiver to malfunction. This occurs when such software denies access to certain files required by GFI Archiver. It is recommended to exclude the following folders and...
Overview The article details the Search Index feature within GFI Archiver. Information The Search Index feature within GFI Archiver automatically indexes new email content archived in the correspond...
Overview This article describes the process of configuring the frequency with which GFI Archiver is indexing new archived emails into the search indexes. The Indexing Frequency or the Indexing Schedul...
Overview This article guides you to browse archived emails. It is intended for users and administrators of GFI Archiver. Process From GFI Archiver, select the Archive tab. In the Archive tab, you can ...
Overview The article details the permission status for the default user role. Information The Default Role is assigned automatically to users who have no role assigned to them. This process is carried...