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Error 401 During Authentication


GFI Archiver fails to authenticate when loading the web interface with Error 401. This article explains how you can troubleshoot this issue. 

Root Cause

This error occurs when the IIS® authentication method is not configured correctly on the GFI Archiver server.


Verify the Internet Information Services (IIS®) authentication method used. These steps apply to IIS® 7 and later:

  1. Navigate to Start > Server ManagerTools > IIS® Manager.
  2. Expand the <web server name> > Sites > Default Web Site and select Archiver.
  3. In the Features view, double-click Authentication.
  4. Click Anonymous Authentication and from the right pane select Enable.
  5. Select the authentication method to use and from the right pane, click Enable. It is recommended to use Windows Authentication.
  6. Close the IIS® Manager.


Try to login again. The error message should be gone.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
