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Errors When Opening Email Attachments From Web Interface


When opening emails or email attachments from the GFI Archiver web interface, It raises one of the following errors:

  • A Web filtering error, specifying the downloaded attachment being corrupt.
  • The downloaded attachment opens in Internet Explorer instead of its default application.

Root Cause

The error detailed above may occur when a web filtering tool is installed between the GFI Archiver server and Outlook Connector and is blocking HTTP requests.


  1. To resolve the error mentioned previously, configure the web filtering tool to allow all HTTP traffic generated from GFI Archiver server.

  2. Ensure that the web filter does not block the GFI Archiver server's IP address, NetBIOS name or DNS name.


After resolving the error as detailed above, the attachments will opens without any errors.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
