This article shares information about enabling the 'Legal Hold' on the deletion of archived items in GFI Archiver.
IMPORTANT: Use this feature with caution, since emails are immediately deleted on disabling Legal Hold.
Legal Hold instructs GFI Archiver to pause deleting archived emails and to retain them until further notice.
- Enable this feature to temporarily halt archived email deletion until, for example, a court case is resolved.
- Enable this feature to temporarily halt archived email deletion until, for example, a court case is resolved.
- Enabling this feature still causes GFI Archiver to mark the archived emails for deletion. Delete instruction will be executed only once the legal hold is removed.
- Follow these steps to enable Legal Hold:
- Select the Configuration tab.
- Click Retention and SPAM Policies.
- Select
- Verify that Legal Hold is enabled from the Home tab, under About GFI Archiver.
- Verify that Legal Hold is enabled from the Home tab, under About GFI Archiver.
- Follow these steps to disable Legal Hold:
- Select the Configuration tab.
- Click Retention and SPAM Policies.
- Select
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