This article shares information about enabling the deletion feature for archived items in GFI Archiver. This is only available to users with delete permissions.
- Enabling this feature may breach company policy or legal compliance related to email retention. Please review with concerned personnel before the configuration.
- If Legal Hold is enabled, Deletion is disabled until Legal Hold is removed. For more information, refer to Configuring Legal Hold.
- The Deletion feature enables users to delete archived items from GFI Archiver permanently.
- If enabled, an additional delete button is displayed in the Archive tab toolbar and the Mail View toolbar.
- Additionally, deletion is also possible from the Outlook Connector and email clients connected through IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol).
- To be able to delete archived items, the user must also be assigned to a Role with the Delete Items permission. For more information, refer to Configuring Roles and Permissions.
- Follow these steps to configure the deletion feature:
- From the Configuration tab.
- Select Deletion.
- Click Enable Deletion, which will prompt the following screen.
- If you want to retain a copy of the deleted item in the Archive Stores, check 'Leave a copy of the item in the Archive Stores accessible by a Full Access User'.
- Retained items are only accessible by users with full access rights.
- If the checkbox remains unchecked, deleted items will be removed permanently from the Archive Stores.
- User cannot delete items from a read-only Archive Store. Users are notified if delete fails.
- Check the 'I agree' checkbox.
- Click OK.
Priyanka Bhotika