The Outlook Connector is not displayed in the local language when using Outlook 2013
Versions / Builds Affected
OC build 20130307 (from server 20130510)
Problem Summary
Outlook Connector is not displayed in the local language on Outlook 2013. E.g. you run a French Outlook 2013 and the OC UI is shown in English.
How to Identify
- Outlook 2013 is installed in one of the supported non-English langues (*) - The OC UI is displayed in English instead of the language of Outlook * German Italian Spanish Arabic Chinese Czech Dutch French Hebrew Japanese Korean Russian Note: - This seems not to occur on all installations - At the moment this has only been observed with French, but I assume this could occur on other languages too
Workaround / Fix Details
PATCH WORKAROUND Set the locale via the registry manually: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GFI\MAROC\ LanguageID (string) = E.g. 1036 for French (ref: ----- Fixed in build 20130704.
Required Actions
Upgrade to 20130704 (server) and the OC build that comes with it (20130611) or apply patch.
Priyanka Bhotika