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The GFI Archiver server runs out of disk space when running movebix / copybix ( ONLY)



The GFI Archiver server runs out of disk space when running movebix / copybix.


  • GFI Archiver
  • All supported environments


  1. Clear disk space on the server by removing temporary and unneeded files
  2. Reprocess messages in ...\MAIS\Queue directory
    1. Stop the GFI Archiver services
    2. Rename the  ..\InstallationFolder\MAIS\Queue directory to QueueOLD
    3. Create a new Queue directory
    4. Start the services in step 1
    5. Go to the QueueOLD directory
    6. Sort by file type and delete all files EXCEPT .EML
    7. Open a command prompt
    8. Navigate to the QueueOLD directory
    9. Type the following command
      • ren *.EML *.Q
    10. Move .Q files from the QueueOLD directory to the ..\InstallationFolder\MAIS\Pickup directory in batches of 500

To prevent the server from running out of disk space, try one or more of the following:
  1. Change the location of the GFI Archiver Import directories to a drive with more space
  2. Configure a threshold for the number of files placed in ..\InstallationFolder\MAIS\Pickup
  3. If using copybix try using movebix
    • Copybix.exe copies all the binary message sources which requires twice the amount of space as movebix.
  4. Execute copybix / movebix using a temporary destination path with more space then copy the files to the ...\MAIS\Pickup in batches
  5. Ensure that proper antivirus exclusions are set
  6. Ensure Best practices for GFI Archiver are being followed
  7. Confirm GFI Archiver is able to connect to backend database (Configuration > Archive Stores)


Movebix / copybix causes high load on system resources. When the service runs out of disk space, messages in the ..\MAIS\Queue directory may become corrupt and require reprocessing.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
