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Running GFI Archiver Import-Export Tool From Another Machine


This article describes the process and necessary information to run the Import-Export Tool from a machine other than the server.


To run the Import-Export Tool from another machine than the GFI Archiver server, follow the steps as mentioned below:

  1. Copy the folder ..\GFI\Archiver\MarcImportExport from the GFI Archiver server to a remote machine (where you have Microsoft Outlook installed)
  2. Run the tool from the remote machine by launching MarcImportExport.exe or MArcImportExport_x64.exe (depending on the version of Microsoft Outlook installed)

Important Notes

  • Make sure that the remote machine has the full version of the .NET Framework 4 installed. You can check this by navigating to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, which must list two entries:
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended
  • The full version can be downloaded from the Microsoft Website.
  • When running the Import-Export Tool on another machine to import items into GFI Archiver:
    1. Share the folder ..\GFI\Archiver\MAIS\Pickup on the GFI Archiver server.
    2. Ensure that Write permissions are granted following the steps depending on your operating system:
      • In Windows Server 2008:
        1. Right-click Pickup folder and click Share…
        2. Specify the credentials under which the Import/Export Tool will run
        3. Click Add.
        4. From the Permission Level drop-down list next to the added user, choose Co-owner.
        5. Choose Share and click Done.

      • In Windows Server 2012/2016:
        1. Right-click the Pickup Folder and share with Advanced sharing.
        2. In the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing.
        3. Check the Share this folder box.
        4. Click the Permissions tab.
        5. Specify the user credentials under which the Import/Export Tool will run. Ensure Full Control is selected for the added user.
        6. Click OK.
    3. When going through the Import-Export Tools wizard, choose the Importing path to point to the shared Pickup folder on the GFI Archiver server.
  • It might be needed to manually register redemption.dll for older versions of the Import-Export Tool when running it on another machine
    1. Open Command prompt (elevated).
    2. Change the folder to where ..\MarcImportExport was copied to.
    3. Run the following command: regsvr32 redemption.dll
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 7 days ago
