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Bypassing the Microsoft Exchange AutoDiscovery Feature in GFI Archiver


GFI Archiver detects automatically the address of the Microsoft Exchange Client Access Server (CAS). This is useful in cases where multiple CAS exist in one organization, and in this scenario, the AutoDiscovery feature would choose the most suitable CAS.

However, situations might arise when AutoDiscovery either fails, or you may wish to bypass it on purpose.


This requires the Exchange server to be running Microsoft Exchange 2007 or later with Exchange Web Services (EWS).


You can bypass the AutoDiscovery process by applying special keys to point to the user-defined CAS server, as described below:

NOTE: This procedure requires to edit files manually. If edited incorrectly it can leave the server in a non-operational state. Please keep backups of any file which is edited throughout this article before saving any changes to them.

Mail Servers to Archive (accessing Journal mailbox)

  • Via the web page (preferred)
    1. Open the web page and navigate to Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive.
    2. Highlight the journal mailbox entry in the list and click on Edit.
    3. Select the option Manual Host to Exchange/Office 365 CAS and enter the EWS URL: https://<EXCHANGESERVER>/EWS/Exchange.asmx
    4. Complete the wizard to save the settings.

  • Via the product.config file
    1. Stop the GFI Archiver services.
    2. Open the folder:
      • GFI MailArchiver 2014 or newer: ..\InstallationFolder\Core\Data
      • GFI MailArchiver 2013 or older: ..\InstallationFolder\Core2\Data
    3. Open product.config in Notepad.
    4. Add the following key:
      <add key="DataSourcesEWSCAS" value="https://<EXCHANGESERVER>/EWS/Exchange.asmx" />
    5. Start the GFI Archiver services.

Mailbox Folder Structure Retrieval

  • Via the web page (preferred)
    1. Open the web page and navigate to ConfigurationMailbox Folder Structure Retrieval.
    2. Click on Edit Settings.
    3. Select the option Manual Host to Exchange/Office 365 CAS and enter the EWS URL: https://<EXCHANGESERVER>/EWS/Exchange.asmx
    4. Complete the wizard to save the settings.

  • Via the product.config file
    1. Stop the GFI Archiver services.
    2. Open the folder: ..\InstallationFolder\Core\Data
    3. Open product.config in Notepad.
    4. Add the following key:
      <add key="UMPollingEWSCAS" value="https://<EXCHANGESERVER>/EWS/Exchange.asmx" />
    5. Start the GFI Archiver services.

Import Export Tool

  1. Open the folder: ..\InstallationFolder\MarcImportExport
  2. Open the file MArcImportExport.exe.config (or MArcImportExport_x64.exe.config when using the 64bit version of the tool).
  3. Locate the </configSections> tag and add the following section below it:
    <add key="EWSCAS" value="https://<EXCHANGESERVER>/EWS/Exchange.asmx" />
  4. Restart the GFI Archiver Import Export Tool.

NOTE: When upgrading to a newer version of GFI Archiver, installation files mentioned in this procedure will be overwritten with default versions making the changes void and ineffective. It is therefore suggested to keep a record of this procedure and follow it once again directly after upgrading to keep this functionality intact.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
